Chapter 11

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I feel like I should mention that my google doc for this is 42 pages long. Also, thank you for all the support on this story so far. There are only a couple of chapters left and I promise that they're all fluff! Sorry this chapter is out so much later than usual, I was having some trouble making writing it. This chapter is much shorter than the others. 

Warnings: swearing, kissing

Love from, Cora

When Virgil opened his eyes all he saw was black fabric. He was curled against Logan's chest, Logan's arms wrapped around him. Logan's face was relaxed and he was drooling slightly, his curly hair was wild without its usual gel. His eyes fluttered opened and a smile graced his lips. Jesus, he was beautiful.

"G'mornin St'rmcloud," He mumbled. Virgil smiled, relaxing into Logan's chest. Logan planted a kiss on his head and suddenly memories from the previous night came crashing down.

They had kissed. He had kissed Logan. Fuck fuck fuck fuck, his thoughts chanted. Logan frowned.

"St'rmcloud, are you okay?" He slurred. He clearly wasn't a morning person.

"N-no," He said rather loudly, "I k-kis-sed you l-last n-night!" He pushed away from Logan and pulled his knees to his chest.

"D-did you not want to?" Logan said smally. He looked like he was going to cry. Virgil shook his head.

"N-no, I w-wanted t-to b-but I... d-did you w-want to?" Logan smiled.

"Indeed I did, I had been awaiting that moment for a while." Virgil blushed and Logan leaned forward, putting a hand on his cheek. "Would it be satisfactory if we did it again?"

A nod and Logan's lips were on his. He wrapped his arms around Logan's neck and they fell back onto the bed. They stayed there for a few minutes before-

"Well, this is a total surprise," A sarcastic voice said. Virgil threw himself off of Logan, slipping off the end of the bed and onto the floor. Janus stood over him, eyes glittering and smirk set on his lips. "Can't wait to tell Mama. Breakfast is ready, be the way." He left and Logan helped Virgil up off the floor.

"We should most likely go to breakfast now if we want to tell Ma rather than Jan," Logan pursed his lips. He handed Virgil his sweatshirt and the two made their way to the kitchen. A stack of toast and multiple jars of jam sat in the centre of the table, along with a cup of coffee in a NASA mug. Logan's Ma was standing at the stove frying eggs. All eyes turned to them as they entered the kitchen. Logan ignored them and immediately grabbed his coffee. The rest of the kitchen waited until he had put down his mug before they spoke.

"Buon giorno, bambino," Martina said after he had finished his coffee, "anything to tell us?" Logan locked eyes with him and Virgil nodded slowly.

"We are dating," He said flatly. Martina squealed and dropped her spatula, scooping Virgil up in her arms. Luca reached across the table and firmly clapped Logan's arm.

"I am so excited to hear this news, Lo-lo," Martina squealed, "you've seemed happier every time you see him and I'm just so glad that-"

"Martina, might you put the boy down?" Martina set him back on the floor, blushing slightly.

"Virgil, Tesoro, do you want anything to drink? We need to get some meat on those bones," Martina said, plating the eggs and setting them on the table. Virgil politely refused the cup of coffee she offered him. Breakfast was a lot more lively that morning. Martina continued talking to him in Italian and he and Logan held hands under the table.

When the two finally left the house, it had been hard due to the strangling hugs from Martina, and got to the car and got it started they were both wide awake. Virgil decided it was best if he broke the awkward silence in the vehicle. "S-so, b-boyfriends."

Logan smiled slightly as he peeled away from the driveway. "Boyfriends," he echoed. He seemed to be tasting the word on his tongue. He must have liked it because his smile was a bit brighter after that. Virgil dedicated the rest of the drive to thinking of a nickname for Logan.

"Here we are, Stormcloud," Logan said as they pulled up to his home.

When had he started thinking of it as his?

When had he started thinking of it as home?

"Virgil?" Logan inquired. He shook himself out of his head and looked at his boyfriend. "Ciao, bello. Have a pleasant day, Stormcloud." Virgil grabbed his duffle and stepped out of the car, waving as Logan drove away. When he turned to his house he noticed that Thomas's car was still in the driveway. Odd, given that today was grocery day. Virgil walked up the porch steps and paused before opening the door.

The energy inside the house was different. Tenser, more nervous. The entire time he'd been here the house was relaxed but today it felt like the air itself was apprehensive. As Virgil stepped into the kitchen he found Thomas, sitting at the table and looking over some paperwork. In his right hand, he twiddled with a fidget cube. Virgil really regretted not taking his anxiety medication.

Thomas looked up as he cleared his throat. "O-oh, buddy! I didn't think you'd b-be home till later," Virgil couldn't help but notice the hesitation in his voice. He could see the logo of his foster care agency on one of the papers Thomas held. Dread was settled in his stomach.

"N-neither d-did I-I," was all he could manage. Thomas dropped the papers and gestured for Virgil to sit.

"Virgil," he began slowly. Virgil knew what was coming, he had been through it so many times, but he had truly thought Thomas would be different. "I have something very serious to discuss with you. I-"

"I-I unders-stand, T-Thomas. Y-you d-don't need-d to e-explain. I-I'll p-pack m-my things," Virgil went to stand but Thomas grabbed his hand.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas looked at him, confused. Virgil sighed heavily.

"N-no need-d t-to p-pretend. Y-you're get-ting r-rid o-of m-me, right?" He said, sitting back down. A flurry of emotions crossed Thomas's face; hurt, then sadness, then a sort of determination.

"Virgil, I swear I would never get rid of you." Virgil froze. That was unexpected. Thomas squeezed his hand comfortingly. "The thing I wanted to ask you is infinitely more important."

A beat of silence.

"How would you feel if I adopted you?"


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