Chapter 3

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I feel like I should clarify that this is during summer, so they aren't going to school right now. Also, if this sounds kinda bad I was running off of 5 hours of sleep and have been working on schoolwork for like 3 straight hours so cut me a little slack. If you catch any errors please tell me. You may have noticed the change in formatting and also I stopped doing chapter titles, that's because I couldn't think of any more so I just changed to numbers. If you have any questions please comment and ask, I will reply. Also, if anyone wanted to make a book cover I would be happy to use it.

Warnings: Remus is in this chapter so there some swearing. Nothing serious. It is also quite a bit longer than the other chapters.

Love from, Cora

Around a week after Thomas took him shopping Virgil found both of them on the porch. Virgil sat in one of the wicker chairs while Thomas tended to the flower-filled baskets around the porch, cooing to each as he watered them. The different smells mingled together into a calming scent. Honestly though, all of Thomas's house smelled calming. After finding out about Virgil's anxiety he had bought an assortment of scented candles, lavender and vanilla, that helped Virgil's nerves. He was grateful for this man that he had only known for a week. Virgil watched as Thomas finished coddling his flowers and moved into the lawn to pluck weeds. Virgil had offered to help but Thomas had told him to relax instead. Virgil clutched Coraline in his lap and relished in the sensation of the pages against his fingers as he read.

"Hey, Thomas!" A boys voice snapped Virgil out of his reading. He watched as four people about his age approached the yard, stopping in front of Thomas.

"Oh, hey there Patton!" Thomas said, waving a dirt-covered hand. "How are you kids today?"

"Oh just wonderful!" The first boy, Patton, giggled. The was short, probably shorter than Virgil, and had a round face coated in freckles. His wild hair was a fiery red and he wore a large round pair of glasses and a blue polo shirt with a grey cardigan. The two other boys made sounds of agreement and one of the boys crouched down next to Thomas.

"Mr. Sanders, I do believe you are pulling up wild strawberry plants and not, in fact, weeds," He said. Thomas's eyes shot down to his hands, where he had not been watching as he pulled weeds.

"Oh goodness, I wasn't even paying attention," Thomas murmured, "and that's Thomas during the summer, Logan."

"Of course, Mr. Sanders," Logan replied.

The third boy, wearing a tight-fitting white tee, finally spoke, "we're headed down to the field, Thomas, and were wondering if you wished to accompany us!" A boy standing close to the this one nodded in agreement, his long hair flew wildly as he shook his head. He looked like he was about to explode.

"Not today, guys," Thomas said thoughtfully, "but, maybe you could take Virgil with you. If he wants to of course." This last sentence was directed at Virgil, who put his book down to examine the four teens. He shrugged and walked down the porch stairs to the boys, where he stood next to the blue-shirted boy. "Great, dinner is whenever. Make sure you have your phone!" Thomas exclaimed. His smile had instantly become ten times bigger.

"Let's go then!" The boy with the long wild grabbed his arm and began to run, dragging him along. Virgil felt a spike of anxiety every time the two stumbled but thankfully they never fell. When they got to the field the boy let go of him.

"P-please never d-do that again." He stuttered. The boy shrugged and looked behind Virgil, where the other three boys were sprinting to catch up with them.

"Remus," one of them, who had pointed out the wild strawberries, gasped, "we have talked about your habit of dragging people behind you, have we not?" He wore a black NASA tee and his hair was gelled back a little. He had a pair of rectangular glasses that framed his face perfectly. He looked like someone Virgil had met, but he couldn't quite place his face. "Now, I suggest we all introduce ourselves to Virgil, as he has never met any of us." He suggested, glaring at Remus.

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