Chapter 4

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This chapter is much longer than the others just because I was on a roll. It will probably be an authors note next with a little character info. Anywho, I sadly must admit that I may be projecting onto Virgil with has evident gay panic, which I feel whenever I see a girl. I am running only off caffeine, twelve total hours of sleep for the week, more caffeine, and the need to avoid schoolwork so you get two updates this week.

Warning: Remus is in this chapter as well so... some swearing. Actually it isn't just Remus, Logan says the f-word.

Love from, Cora

The next day Virgil lay on his bed, staring at the clock. It was currently 10 a.m. and Virgill couldn't figure out why he was so anxious, he still had two hours before Logan came to pick him up.

Speaking of, Virgil thought, you never told Thomas you were going somewhere today. Virgil mentally scolded himself and rose to go found Thomas.

"T-Thomas?" Virgil said once he found him sitting on the couch reading.

"Hey bud," Thomas said, "er-Virgil, sorry. What's up?"

"N-no, bud is fine," Virgil found himself saying. What was he doing? No foster family had ever been allowed to call him bud before, although he supposed none of them had asked. What did this mean? Was he actually thinking of Thomas as fam-

"Bud?" Thomas asked, "you okay there?"

"Oh, um, y-yeah. The boys i-invited me to P-Patton's hous-se yesterday and I w-was wondering if I could g-go." Thomas immediately smiled.

"Of course, bud. Those are good kids, you know. I'm glad you like 'em." Thomas said warmly, "Do you need a ride?" Virgil shook his head.

"N-no thank you. Logan s-said he would p-pick me up." In all actuality, Logan hadn't specified whether or not he was going to pick Virgil up on foot or with a car. Did Logan have a car?

What if he hates you for not having a car? Virgil thought to himself as he walked back upstairs. He quickly silenced those thoughts and let his mind turn back to Thomas. When had he ever asked any of his foster parents if he could go out? He never asked, so why did he ask Thomas? Virgil turned into the bathroom instead of his bedroom and pulled out an eyeshadow palette. Virgil had nearly had a panic attack the first time Thomas found the palette, plenty of houses had kicked him out for wearing makeup, but Thomas just smiled and said that maybe they could go to a makeup store sometime and get him a nicer palette. Virgil was shocked, not only had Thomas been okay with the makeup, but he was encouraging Virgil to get more. What was going on?

He applied some eyeshadow and changed his clothes before checking the clock, how had an hour passed? He hadn't been here for an hour? He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Thomas was number one, he was under the family section. When had Virgil done that? The rest of the contacts were sorted alphabetically and there were ten in all. Most of them were old friends Virgil had made some time or another, he didn't think he'd used most of them. He just messed around on Tumblr for a bit before that alarm he had set for 11:50 went off.

"Virge, Bud, Logan is here," Thomas called up. How was Logan so precise with time? Virgil quickly ran down the stairs to find Thomas and Logan standing in the doorway and chatting.

"Why hello, Virgil," Logan said with a smile, "how are you today?"

"I-I'm good," Virgil stumbled out. He still wasn't used to people.

"Well, we should get going if we wish to be there on time," Logan said, turning around and gesturing for Virgil to follow him, "Goodbye, Mr. Sanders."

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