The Long Now

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I am the Now
The blank diary pages, the uncrossed calendar squares
The lost batteries to unpause life
The loose thread that spools
An empty tapestry, the odd red grain
Where daily stories should be
I am the Here that clings too close
The itch that cannot be scratched
That whispers dates
Dreamt up ghosts
I am the When that switches out time
Routines that blocked hour by hour
A bumper harvest of daylight
Not enough demand
I am the Where that opens the world
Given a map with no borders
A compass with no needle
For a once fully interactive environment
I am the How that forgets old tricks
The reunion having outgrown the age
How did I do this again?
Nuance bludgeoned out of memory
I am the Now that transforms the living
Being, and only able to be for now.


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