Painting Day!

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A day at the Loona Daycare was never normal.
How chaotic can it get when IU and Suzy make the girls paint for a day?
"Okay guys! We decided we would have a painting day!" IU said.
"Okay!!!" They agreed.
Suzy got out the supplies and put a canvas for each of them at the table.
"I'm gonna make the bestest picture ever" Choerry bragged as she squirted some paint onto her palette.
"No you're not!" Hyejoo argued.
They started to paint and have a little contest with eachother.
On the other hand, Vivi was out here painting the Mona Lisa and The Starry Night.
"WH—" Suzy was walking around looking at their paintings and Vivi over here making every painting look so good.
"Omo... she's so good we should put her in a contest. She'd win immediately." IU suggested.
"I know right..." Both of them were staring at Vivi painting that they didn't notice anything else that was happening.
On the other side of the room, Chuu was trying to figure out how to open a tube of paint.
"Hey Yeojin, do you know how to open this paint tube?" Chuu asked and handed it to her.
"No." Yeojin said and threw it on the ground.
"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO OPEN THE TUBE FOR ME!!!" Chuu screamed at Yeojin.
She screamed it so loud that Yeojin's little baby hair was about to fly off her head.
"Oh sorry, I was about to blow your hair off. ^_^" Chuu said, relaxed.
Yeojin's ears were ringing. And she then went back to chewing on the canvas.
"Hey Heejin what should I paint?" Hyunjin asked her with paint on her brush.
Heejin was busy making a portrait of herself.
"Um.. what should I paint?" Hyunjin asked again.
"Well... you should paint what you like." Heejin replied without looking up from the canvas.
"Hm.. okay." Hyunjin thought hard about it.
Hyunjin then had the perfect idea!
Of course it would be bread. -.-
"I'M GONNA DRAW A BREAD!" Hyunjin yelled and started to paint.
"Called it." Kimlip said.
"Dang it." Jinsoul said as she handed Kimlip a 5 dollar bill.
"Anyways what are you drawing?" Kimlip asked.
"I'm drawing my pet fish that died." Jinsoul said with a frown on her face.
"Aww that's cute fish, but why does it have wings?" Lip asked.
"Well because it was a flying fish that could give me food whenever I wanted." Jinsoul explained happily.
"That's a pretty cool fish then. How did it die?" Kimlip said.
"Well I took it out of its cage and farted on it...then i guess it died because it was stinky. " Jinsoul said with a sad face.
Haseul overheard them.
"Um first of all, a fish can't fly or have wings. Second of all, it doesn't live in a cage it lives in an aquarium. Third of all, WHY WOULD YOU FART ON YOUR FISH?!!!" Haseul screamed.
"Well we were pretty close and I thought we were close enough to show eachother how we fart or something." Jinsoul replied.
"Thanks for the idea Jinsoul!!" Yves said while drawing a fish dying from a fart cloud.
"Oh! Your welcome! 😊" Jinsoul said.
Gowon was drawing a beautiful detailed butterfly.
She was adding all the details when Yeojin walked up to her.
She didn't notice Yeojin at first since she was so tiny.
Suddenly Yeojin screamed at Gowon and squirted paint on her face.
"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Gowon screamed and fell backwards since she was startled.
Her scream surprised Yeojin too because she then squirted paint on Gowon's butterfly painting.
"Uh oh." Yeojin said out loud.
Gowon was wiping the paint off her forehead when she saw what Yeojin did to her painting.
She saw and at first she did nothing about it except for look at Yeojin.
A few seconds later she started crying and bawling her eyes out.
Hyejoo's bestie senses were calling so Hyejoo immediately ran over to Gowon and started to chase Yeojin down.
Yeojin was already used to Hyejoo always trying to hit her so she was immediately crying and running away.
Chuu finally got the paint opened.
But she opened the can of paint and she tripped on a tube and knocked over the can.
"Oopsie." Chuu said after standing up.
The green paint was oozing out like lava.
"Watch out Yeojin!!!" Chuu yelled to her.
Yeojin was still crying and she slipped on the paint.
Hyejoo was still chasing her so she slipped on the paint too.
They were sliding around and knocked some of the girls' canvases over.
"YAHHH!" Choerry, Jinsoul and Yves yelled.
Choerry was mad that Hyejoo knocked over her perfect drawing of Banana and Fish Eye so she picked up a can of paint and poured it on her.
Yeojin was laughing because she thought it was fun.
IU and Suzy quickly came over.
Suzy tried to get Yeojin out immediately since she was still a baby.
And IU was trying to stop Choerry, Yves and Jinsoul from attacking Hyejoo.
Hyejoo was crying and Gowon started to cry too because she thought her bestie was so cute when she cried.
Yeojin was still having the time over her life and decided to eat the paint.
"NO DON'T—" Suzy tried to stop her but she was too late.
"Yummy!" Yeojin exclaimed.
"NO NOT YUMMY!!" Suzy went to the bathroom immediately to wash the paint off her mouth.
IU got them to stop attacking Hyejoo and put them all in time out.
Chuu saw Yeojin eat paint so she decided to secretly try some.
"Hm.. it's not that bad." Chuu said while eating the rest of it.
She was done with her drawing so she hung it up by the play area.
"Perfect!" Chuu said as her painting of a rainbow was on the wall, crooked.
"Hey, that's a cute picture look at mine!" Hyunjin bragged.
"Oh I like it it's so stylish." Heejin said as she put her picture on the wall too.
Everyone was putting their pictures on the wall and they were all debating on who's was the best.
Vivi won.
Everyone was clapping and hugging Vivi for being the best painter.
Meanwhile in the bathroom:
Suzy and IU were cleaning up Hyejoo and Yeojin.
"NO!!!😡😭" Yeojin screamed and cried and kept wiggling around.
Hyejoo just listened to IU while staring at the wall blankly.
Gowon saw Hyejoo's drawing and hung it up beside hers.
"Yay!!" Yves said as she was proud of everyone's paintings.
At least it was a successful day at the Loona Daycare.


This episode was inspired by the '365' MV that was sadly deleted.

🌷𝙻𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚊  𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎🍼Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora