Will You Still Be There When I'm Home ~ Arc 2: The Change

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song for this chapter: Pittsburgh by The Amity Affliction

I shot up from my position and held my throat as I choked on air and a tube that was in my throat. I grasped it with my hands, frantic in my movements of trying to remove the tube that helped me breathe. A pair of hands grabbed hold of my wrists to still my movements, their voice attempting to soothe my panic.

"Woah, Meagan! Hey kiddo, it's okay. Calm down," Brian's voice calmed me down in my attempts the would inevitably damage me, "You can't do that, sweetheart."

My frustration clawed its way up my throat in the form of a whimper. I was scared. Terrified even.

I wanted to ask questions, ask where I was despite the fact that I already knew; I wanted to ask how I got here. The pain that radiated through my limbs was enough of an answer.

I flashed back to the pain I'd felt right before the impact, the image of a large piece of glass sticking out of my dad's shoulder. I breathed, trying to keep myself calm. I wanted to speak, but with this tube, it was impossible. I pointed at it as I stared up at my uncle, he nodded to say that he understood. He stroked my hair back from my face, my eyes closed and I calmed down slowly. I relaxed back into a lying position.

When I opened my eyes once more, I took my chance to study him. His had stubble growing on his face, stubble that he didn't normally have. Tired, his eyes were tired, full of worry and love. He smiled down at me when he caught mine.

"I'm sorry," he chokes out. I shake my head frantically, this wasn't his fault. He wasn't driving. He kisses the top of my head and whispers, "Jimmy went to get a nurse. He's going to remove this from your throat." I nodded, I was relieved to hear that I was having this damned thing removed. And seeing Jimmy.

The door opened and closed, a man I didn't know entered with Jimmy following closely behind. I'm embarrassed to admit that my heart monitor started to beep quickly once I caught his eye. He smiled at me, his usual cheery grin, and winked.

"Hello, Meagan," I nodded to the nurse in front of me in greeting, "I'm gonna remove this troublesome thing and then I'm going to ask you a few questions." He tells me and begins to slowly remove it. I gagged on it, my eyes teared up and I gripped Brian's hand tightly.

Once it was removed, I was handed a glass of water from the nurse that had been previously sitting on the table beside me. I gulped it down and winced as the sting from the tube slowly resided. I set the glass back down on the bedside table and sought out Jimmy with my eyes. He sat against the wall, one leg propped up and he looked as cool as a cucumber; despite the horrible circumstances.

"So can you tell me your name," I glanced at the nurse and raised an eyebrow, "standard procedure, I assure you. We have to make sure you aren't suffering from retrograde amnesia."

"Meagan Elizabeth Sanders."

"Birth date?"

"August 30, 1996"

"Can you tell me the last thing that you remember?" I frowned at that question, my mind quickly going to my dad with worry.

"Is he okay? Is Dad okay?" I looked at Brian, who wouldn't meet my gaze, and then to Jimmy. His eyes were sad and his appearance from before was gone.

"Please answer the question." The nurse said, he shifted uncomfortably.

I gulped and my heart race sped up, the beeping of the monitor signifying my worry. "I remember a shard of glass going through my dad's shoulder! Would you please tell me if he's okay?!"

"Megs... Matt is, he's okay. He's banged up real bad and he's being kept sedated because of how violent he is, but he's okay." Brian smiled sadly.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I squeezed them shut. Crying was only going to make the ache that had settled into my head worse. That didn't stop the tear that managed to escape. Brian let his hand settle on my head and he rubbed soothingly at my temple, something he'd done when I was younger and he was the one that was babysitting me.

Jimmy walked over to the empty seat to my right and sat himself down, he reached out and gripped my hand. I squeezed it and sniffled.

"Umm, my head is bothering me and is there something wrong with my leg?" It had occurred to me earlier that I couldn't shift or move my leg.

"You have a very minor concussion, which is great all things considered, along with a severe break in your femoral shaft. You managed to sustain injuries in your shoulder from the impact of the truck hitting you from a particular angle. You are pretty bruised and I'd imagine you'll be sore for the next few weeks." The nurse said. He pulled out his stethoscope, a word I've never been able to say and began the task of checking my breathing.

When all was said and done, he told me he would go and get me some pain medication. My response had been that I could have used the meds yesterday, which earned me a swat from Brian because of my sarcasm.

What can I say, even when I have a concussion and a break in my femoral shaft, I'm still sarcastic me.

Once the nurse had come and left again, I sat waiting patiently for the meds to kick in. It was a slow process for it to kick in. In that time, I looked Brian and Jimmy both in the eye. "He said he was on amphetamines." Brian looked away from me and cursed.

"Your mom was going to drop the news. Seems that's not necessary is it?" Jimmy spoke, his voice barely reaching above a whisper.

"It was horrible. He said he tried to stop. That he just wanted to stop the voices."I didn't meet their eyes. "I tried to get him to pull over, and that didn't work. This isn't my fault is it?" I questioned.

"No. If anything, this wreck is my fault. I should have stopped him." I inhaled sharply at Brian's admission.

"That's where you're wrong. Uncle Brian, you were in serious condition when we left the house because of the fight. So you don't get to blame yourself."

It was that moment that something hit me. Brian didn't look like he was beat up at all. Just how long was I in this bed, how long had it been since that day?!

My heart monitor kicked up a notch and Jimmy applied pressure to my hand, "what's the matter, doll." Jimmy whispered.

"How long have I been asleep for?"

"I'm gonna go use the restroom, " Brian shifted from foot to foot and Jimmy nodded.

"Not to long, just a solid week. You woke up in between. The doctors said you probably wouldn't remember though." Jimmy replied. I could feel the medicine taking its full effect. My eyes drooping and my grip relaxing from Jimmy's.

"Oh, that's not too long." My words were drowsily spoken.

"No, no it isn't."

"I'm going to take a nap now. Okay? I love you." I could have hit myself had I been more aware.

"I love you too, doll." He placed a kiss on my forehead, and that was that.

Fact: I'm super satisfied with this chapter

Fact: I love The Amity Affliction.

Fact: This took me like two weeks to finish.

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