So Hard To See Your Side

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Guys... I saw Five Finger Death Punch for the second time in Bossier City. I fucking loved it. Sad I didn't see Escape The Fate though. I even got Jeremy's drum solo, you know the one where it has the sex sounds play in the background? If any of you are on my facebook, go check it out. It's pretty wicked.

Oh and for the sake of the story, the 5FDP live in Long Beach.

So much has happened over the last week and a half. It's been really awesome hanging with Ivan, Jeremy, Zoltan, Jason, and Chris. It's also been hectic.  I haven't seen hide nor tail of any of my family. Mom called every day as did Aunt Michelle and Jimmy. Dad had called once and that was the end of it.

Its been nice actually.

Of course I missed them. It's just nice to be away from them and the drama. Of course there was drama staying with Ivan. There was the whole fact that in a month they would be going on tour. I don't necessarily believe that I'll still be living with Ivan in a month, but hey! Stranger things have happened.

I totally loved staying with him though. I've said it once, now I'll say it again. It's my Home Away from Home. Home doesn't really feel like home anymore.

"What are you thinking about. You have that look in your eyes that worries me." Jason spoke from where he stood in the kitchen. I smiled at him.

"I'm fine Jason. Just thinking about home."

"Already wanting to leave?" Ivan spoke the words with mock offense in his voice.

"Yes! I'm getting sick of seeing you every morning." Winking playfully, I put my feet in his lap. "No. In reality I was thinking about how this feels more like Home then home does."

"Feels pretty normal having you around to," Ivan paused to look over at Jason, he'd just knocked a bunch of pots and pans out of the cabinet, "not like you bring tons of annoying fan girls over and you are pretty much family." Ivan pointed out.

"Our very own personal Knucklehead living with us." Jason added. I smiled over at him.

"Guess you won't just take any Knucklehead in, huh?" I winked.

"Course not! My house would be fucking packed then!" Ivan sounded offended. "Besides, you aren't just any Knucklehead. You are the Knucklehead." I tossed my head back and laughed.

"Well, I'm glad to know that I'm not just any old Knucklehead." Silence reined in the house as cartoons played on the television.

It was SpongeBob. I'd personally prefer to watch Scooby Doo, but I fucking hated the new Scooby Doo. Call me old fashioned, but I grew up on the 1980 ones.

The silence was promptly interrupted by Jason, "Hey! Jeremy just texted me saying he was going out. Wants to know if we are up for it?" he told us.

Ivan and I both agreed and I darted down the hall to my 'room.' I was the only one who used it. Might as well be mine. I was quick to change into more appropriate clothing rather than wearing pajamas.

I slipped on my Vengeance University T-shirt and an old pair of black skinny jeans. I put on knee-high black boots that made taller than I normally was. Just because I wasn't technically living with my Dad at the moment doesn't mean that I can't show Band spirit. That's exactly why I wore my Avenged Sevenfold hoodie. I put a belt on with my jeans which had Brass Knuckles as the buckle. It was pretty beast.

I stepped off the landing into the den and found Ivan and Jason waiting on me.

"About damn time! Women!" Jason cried in outrage. I snorted at his ridiculous statement.

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