After Every Hit We Take

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Sorry about the whole not updating thing. I've been busy these past few weeks. Schools out now though. Yes!!!! So heres the next chapter. Again though, I'm sorry it took so long. I'm also sorry that I keep saying sorry. Hope this chapter isn't to bad. Song credit goes to Three Days Grace. It's I Hate Everything About You. I doubt I'll put it up over there.

The ride home had been long and filled with anxiety. Uncle Johnny did his best to quell that tenseness and anxiety with his humor, which in any other situation, would have calmed anyone down and made me laugh. No, I was filled with doom and gloom. I honestly don’t think that Jimmy could have made me feel better.

“I should let you know now that Matt, Jimmy, and Brian are all there.”

“Where’s Uncle Zacky?” I was so not looking forward to this meeting then.

“As far as I know… He’s somewhere with Gena and Aleia.”


“Yeah, he didn’t leave until after we got the call. Guess he didn’t want to stay to witness this shitstorm.” I laughed at him.

“If it were up to me… I wouldn’t either.”

“Just remember. You got yourself into this shit Meagan. Try not to make your Dad even angrier. Kay?”

“Yeah, all right, I don’t ever mean to make him angrier. He just has a bad temper.”

Johnny snorted, “You both fly off the handle at each other when it comes down to it.”

Ain’t that the damn truth?

It was quiet for the rest of the way. I don’t know if Mom would be there… I hope she isn’t. I don’t even really understand why Dad is even angry. I mean, he’s all the time talking about the times that he and Brian would skip classes with Jimmy.

I winced.

As much as I was used to saying I was in love with Jimmy.

I wasn’t used to thinking of the fact that him and Dad went to school with each other and is only a few months older than Dad.

When we pulled up to the house I was quick to hop out and take off into the house. If I could get passed the living room, I was home free. Of course things never work in my favor lately.

When I headed to the stairs, my body collided with a wall.

“Shit!” I yelled rubbing my head. I heard Uncle Johnny snort behind me. He’d walked into the house right as I collided with… fuck, Uncle Brian. “Damn.”

“Thought that we didn’t already know what you were going to do?” I heard Dad ask tauntingly. The only words that he speaks to me lately and they are filled with venom, I sure feel loved.

I glanced helplessly up at Uncle Brian. He wouldn’t even meet my eye.

‘Asshole.’ He’s as bad as dad is lately.

“What the hell were you thinking?” I rolled my eyes and quickly stood and crossed my arms. Everyone in the room knew that was my defense position. I was preparing myself for a fight.

“Remember what I said.” I heard Uncle Johnny say from directly behind me. I glanced past Dad and saw Jimmy leaning against the door frame for the living room.

“It’s not like you haven’t ever skipped.” I told them.

“That’s fucking different.” Uncle Brian said.

“’That’s fucking different.’” I mocked under my breath.

“Watch your language.” Dad said immediately. I rolled my eyes. “Well… We are waiting.”

“I didn’t want to be at school. It’s fucking retarded and the Principle along with every other person at that school are dicks.” I explained.

“Oh, so that just gives you a reason to skip.” I stared at my Dad.

“Yeah.” I knew I was acting like a brat, but I had plenty of things I’d rather be doing than having this conversation.

“You are so fucking stupid.” My Dad growled. I laughed without humor.

“No, there is only one idiot in this fucking room and it isn’t me.” I spoke the words with as much acid in my voice as possible.

“Excuse me.” His words were spoken slowly. I sensed the danger immediately along with the other occupants in the room. Jimmy stepped away from the door frame and walked to my side.

“There goes my advice.” Uncle Johnny mumbled under his voice and stood on the other side of me. Uncle Brian made no moves. He didn’t even seem concerned.

“I don’t believe I stuttered.” I glared at the man that stood before me. “Let’s get down to the real point. The only reason you even fucking care right now is because Brian found me. I don’t really see how you even really have any say in my life right now considering you barely acknowledge my existence in the first God Damn place.” I said. Dad took two steps forward and Jimmy grabbed my elbow. “For fucks sake, Uncle Johnny is more of a Dad to me right now then you are.”

Said man exhaled sharply through his nose. He didn’t want to be mentioned and then have Matt’s anger pinned on him.

“What the fuck are you trying to say?” His voice was slowly escalating.

“It’s not Rocket Science. Obviously your brain can’t comprehend what I’m trying to say. Let me dumb it down for you. You. Are. A. Shitty. Dad.” The next thing I knew my cheek was burning and black dots were forming in my vision.

“Matt, what the fuck!” Uncle Johnny jumped forward and tried pushing Dad back.

Tears filled my eyes. It wasn’t from being upset at him, I knew it would happen. Antagonizing him gets you that. No, I was tearing up because it fucking hurt. Uncle Brian was shoving me towards the kitchen quickly. I wasn't really resisting.

“Thanks for proving my point asshole.” I muttered. Dad’s hand was dangling in the air precariously. He was frozen and his eyes were wide.

I was the one that he let his anger out on and he couldn’t believe it.

“Shit, Meagan! Why did you have to go and piss him off?!” Uncle Brian’s eyes were wide as he took in my cheek.

“Oh! I didn’t realize you cared. I’m touched.” I spoke vehemently.

“Now is not the fucking time.” He went over to the freezer. I could hear Jimmy and Uncle Johnny yelling in the other room at Dad. Uncle Brian walked back over with a bag of Frozen Peas. “Put this on your cheek.” I did as I was told… for once. “I can’t believe he fucking hit you! He had no fucking-“

“Did you tell him?” I interrupted him. He floundered for a second before staring at me in confusion.


“Did you tell him?” I repeated.

“I… no.” I sighed in relief. “That’s what you are worried about! Meagan, he just hit you!” I shrugged.

“Better me than Mom. I was being a bitch. You can't sit there and say I didn't deserve it.” Brian froze.

“Meagan… Does he…?”

“No!” I said quickly. Despite the fact that he was an asshole, I was going to protect him. “No, this is the first time he’s ever done something like that.” That was the truth.

“Are you sure.”


“Good.” Brian stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. “Meagan…” He cut himself off. He sighed.

“Actions are louder than words.” I supplied. He laughed and hugged me. I squinched my nose up. I laid the cheek that wasn’t bruised on his chest. “I’m sorry Uncle Brian.”

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. I can promise you. That’ll be the last time Matt hits you.”

And that was that.

So tell me what you think please.

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