Come Feed The Rain

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If you guys have never listened ot Poets Of The Fall. You should! They are amazing and inspired this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it. Tell me if you like it.

song for this chapter is: Carnival of Rust by Poets of the Fall

edited: 8/14/2014


That's all I've seen today. Yesterday as well. I haven't seen sunshine at all. Just clouds and rain. It was rather depressing. Not to mention I had no entertainment whatsoever. Aleia and McKenna couldn't come over. McKenna was on lockdown just to please Uncle Brian. Aleia had this really big essay to write for Senior Project.

Me. I was just bored. Dad was off doing something with Uncle Brian and Uncle Zacky. Mom was with Aunt Michelle. Jimmy and Uncle Johnny were probably at a bar. So I was alone. 

I had other friends I hang out with, I just don't normally hang with them at home. I could always... 

Andy! I could hang out with Andy! Dad wouldn't say shit anymore because McKenna and Andy are officially dating. Uncle Brian on the other hand... I shuddered. Just no. The shit that man could make up in his mind was borderline crazy. Like Jimmy.

I pouted. I really wish Jimmy would appear and entertain me.

I wonder when Andy would call considering he couldn't talk to McKenna... So he would probably get details on her from me. Like always. Aleia wouldn't put up with his bullshit though. Maybe I should follow her in these aspects.

Thing you should know about Aleia:  She has a huge crush on my Dad.

So I guess we are a lot alike. We were born two weeks apart.

I glared at my stomach as it started making rather loud growling noises. I glanced at the clock only to find that it was 1:45. I hadn't had lunch yet. Maybe I could go get some cereal.

I was half-way down the stairs when my phone went off.

'I'll wear your granddads clothes

I look incredible

I'm in this big ass coat

From that thrift shop down the road'

"Hello?" I answered without looking at my phone.

"Hello Megs!" Andy's voice said through the phone. I groaned.

"So, I know you're going to pester me for answers and all, but I really need a human moment. I need to hunt. Captain Crunch is getting slow in his old age, should be easy prey." Aleia and I joked all the time he was a vampire. He hated it. I half expected him to start yelling at me.

"I've always wanted to eat a pirate!" I raised one eyebrow. So he was finally embracing his vampire nature? I then realized what he said. My face contorted in disgust.

"You are one sick bitch. Have you even seen Captain Crunch? He's crusty and old." I heard his laughter flow through the phone.

"True. How about Lucky Charms? That leprechaun is magically delicious, after all. Plus, he's miniature, fun-sized even. Think about it...he wouldn't even have to kneel to lick your-"

"Shut up! Gah! Besides, if I was shopping for midgets, I would so go for Rice Crispies. There are three of them after all."

"Oh, the possibilities..." I had reached the kitchen by now and found myself doubled over in laughter. I loved Andy. This bitch is hilarious.

"You naughty little man whore!"

"If the shoe fits..." I snorted.

"Wow. I have no words to express what I'm feeling right now." I told him. I walked over to the cabinets while Andy continued babbling happily in my ear. I grabbed the cereal down from it.

"I bet you just grabbed Rice Crispies." He told me.

"Maybe... " I lowered my voice, "Shh! Don't tell Uncle Brian that I'm getting it on with three midgets. He might throw a fit and not allow me anywhere near cereal ever agian!"

I heard someone clear there throat behind me. I spun around and found Uncle Johnny, Uncle Brian, and Jimmy standing behind me.


"He was right behind you wasn't he?"

"He sure was." His laughter shot through the phone. "It's not funny Andy!" I wailed. Uncle Brian's was now glaring at me. "I gotta go."

"Fuck the police. Give me a call when you're finished getting yelled at by Captain Killjoy." I snorted at Andy's name for him.

"Bye." I told him and hung up.

I glanced over at Uncle Johnny. He had an amused look on his face. Jimmy had his psychotic grin on his face that I loved so much.

"When he starts yelling... I gurantee you he'll look like a fish." I mock whispered to them.

"Meagan!" Uncle Brian yelled. My Dad's laughter floated into the room.

"Don't kill my daughter Gates!" He yelled as his footsteps faded.

"I wuv you Uncle Brian!" I tolled him in my baby voice. I gave him puppy dog eyes and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He remained rigid. I took it to the next level and kissed his cheek. "You're the bestest Uncle in the whole wide world and I love you!" He broke then and laughed.

"Hey! What about me!" Jimmy yelled. I felt my stomach fall to my feet. I would never call him my Uncle. He doesn't understand that though.

"Don't worry Jimmy! I love you to!" I told him and took my chance in wrapping my arms around him. Uncle Brian and Uncle Johnny left the room.

"Later Kiddo!" Uncle Johnny shouted.

"Bye bye!" I told him.

"I love you, kid." I felt warm fuzzies in my stomach. Even though I know he didn't mean it in the way I wanted him to. "Hey. How come you never call me Uncle Jimmy." I froze. Jimmy noticed this but didn't say anything.

"I don't know."

"I think you do." I said nothing. I let go of him and wiggled away from him. He watched me as I went back to fixing my food. "Meagan... "

"I said I don't know. Okay!" I saw him flinch out of the corner of my eye. I instantly felt bad, but didn't apologize.

"Okay." He whispered. I continued making my cereal. He sat there watching me make my cereal. I glanced over at him and then quickly back down. His eyes were so sad. He always seemed sad lately. It was so odd seeing him that way.

"The best part of waking up, is-" I glared at Uncle Zacky as he made his way through the door with a Folgers can.

"I don't want Folgers in my cup." I told him. He looked startled.

"Since when were you in here!" He pointed his finger at me accusingly. He cradled the Folgers can closer to him and darted out of the room. I couldn't help it. I laughed. It soon fell silent as I realized Jimmy hadn't joined me. All he was doing was staring at the wall.

"Jimmy... ?" He just kept staring at the wall. "Jimmy are you okay?" His head snapped over to me.

"What?" He said and shook his head. I approached him slowly.

"I asked if you were okay."

"Oh. I'm fine." I rolled my eyes.

"You are always sad lately. Are you sure?"

"I said I'm fine!" He snapped. Dejavu much. "Look, I'm just having issues lately. I'm sorry Megs. I gotta go." He walked over to me. He pulled me to him. We stayed like that for a few seconds. "I love you, kid." He walked away.

"I love you to." I told him as he walked out. "More than you can ever know."

I hadn't realized Uncle Brian had been standing just outside the door to the kitchen. If I did... I would have never even opened my mouth.

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