Let's Pretend

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Okay, so let's pretend I'm fine,

Like there's no pain behind each line,

Let's pretend my smile is real,

That I actually feel,

Feel happy,

Let's pretend I'm fucking great,

That the promise you made wasn't too late,

Let's pretend I'm not a puppet,

Doing everything because I'm not fucked up,

How about we pretend I never had dreams,

That everything we see is exactly what it seems,

Or maybe pretend I have no feeling,

Giving you everything while you're stealing,

Let's pretend that I'm doing this all for you,

Wasting my time on everything you do,

Pretend that I'm the lowest to the ground,

Yeah, I see how you always push me down,

Now don't get me wrong,

I love you enough to sing a fucking song,

I'd walk miles just to see you,

I'd fucking die for you too,

I'd go straight through hell with a smile on my face,

If I knew I'd see you without any disgrace,

I've cried for you,

But never do you,

You were worth my life and time,

But to you, I wasn't worth a dime,

So stop your fucking lies,

It makes me weak in the knees,

Take back your promise before it breaks,

Oh, wait....it broke before you could take,

Take it back, that is,

Makes me sick and pissed,

Let's pretend like this is lovely,

That you've never pushed me away roughly,

Like life is the best you've felt,

Like my heart never bled, never spilled,

How do you fucking feel now?

That I'm broken, that I'm down?

Does it makes you smile,

Or spit up your fucking guts and bile?

Which one,

Because it's too late,

For you,

For me,

And end,

Though I loved the time we had spent,

Spent together,

But it'll never be forever,

So let's pretend we never met,

You'll be on your way,

I'll be on mine,

Because I'm tired of wasting my time,

For a fool who pretends to care about me,

When he's really blind to see,

That I do love him......

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