You Were Always There

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Where are you,

Where'd you go?

They left you,

You're alone,

You tried,

You always smiled,

You tried to make them happy,

Take that extra mile,

They never noticed,

They only saw you,

Not your heart,

Not how much you needed someone too,

You hide the pain,

Knowing they wouldn't stay with someone sad,

You projected happiness,

Knowing they'd stay if you're glad,

You were always there!

Even when they stabbed you!

Beat you!

You were still there!

There when they needed someone!

They pushed you away,

Left you for death,

But you still cared for them,

You forgave,

But when you needed someone,

You had no one,

Even when you screamed,

Tried to cry,

Broke things,


No one cared,

But now you're tired,

You can only take so much,

Can't you see what you've done to this person!

You broke and trapped 'em!

They left you....

They left you....

Left you before they could ever promise they wouldn't...

They broke the promise of never leaving....

You're no one...

You're done........

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