I've Really No Choice Now....

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I'm gonna leave,

And never come back,

Because everyone has something,

That I completely lack,

I'll disappear like wind,

It's like you never knew me,

Because you are blind,

And clearly can't see,

It's not like I can forget,

And simply move forward,

Because as much as I hate the past,

I seem to be going backward,

You can't tell me to move on,

When you surely can't either,

Don't even tell me special words,

Words we can all decipher,

I can't go to sleep at night,

Went the monsters creep and lurk,

And to tell me it's hallucinations,

Will simply make me hurt,

I don't want some easy answer or listener,

I want complete comfort,

To be held the first time,

Instead of being kicked to the dirt,

Don't call me picky or cruel,

I'm specific and I'm thoughtful,

About hopeless lost dreams,

That aren't even soughtful,

Don't think I'm weak,

When the tears start to spout,

I'm as strong as the night,

With the wolves that shout,

But the main point is,

Goodbye to all,

And to all a Goodbye,

Because when I say that,

It means I'm gonna die....

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