The First Text

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They say that when you turn 15, your soulmate's phone number will appear on your arm, but you're the only person who can see it. It is in fact true, I have a phone number on my arm like they say. It's been a full year since it's appeared though, and I haven't gained the confidence to add them to my contacts.

I'm in high school and its been around 4 months since the semester started. I'm on a volleyball team with so many cool players!

At the moment, everyone was talking to each other inside the gym and discussing about their conversations with their soulmates. I was glancing at my pale arm, that held the number I had dreaded to text for a full year. I looked back at my phone screen that showed the option to add a contact. I've been through this moment too many times to keep track.

There were so many issues with texting them that I could come up with. I had once asked myself what if they were younger than 15 and were confused when I texted them. My mom had always said that I was just coming up with excuses to not text them, but I didn't think so...

"Yo Hinata! What about you? Haven't you messaged your soulmate?" Tanaka had wrapped his arm around my shoulder and attracted Noya's attention.

"Yeah! I want to hear a story about it! Is she nice?" Noya always seemed to sparkle whenever we would talk about things like soulmates.

"Uh, I haven't messaged them yet.. I'm too worried." I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment.

"That's super out of character for you. Normally you would rush in there without thinking!" Noya pointed out. He was right though. I usually wouldn't make such a big deal of things like this.

"I know.. It's just that this is a soulmate! The person you're destined to be with forever! Wouldn't you be nervous too?" I questioned the shorter boy.

"Well my soulmate may possibly be Kiyoko and I already talk to her a lot so not necessarily." Nishinoya strikes a pose filled with confidence.

"You're so cool Nishinoya-senpai! I wish I had the guts like you do!" I glance at Tanaka who was shaking his head in a disappointed way.

"Ok that's it, you're texting them, you need to learn from your senpais." Tanaka grabbed my phone, but stopped doing whatever he was going to do.

"What's wrong?" I stood on the tips of my toes to see what he was staring at.

It was a message. From the same number on my arm.

A/N: I searched up Hinata's age but it gave me both the answers of 15 and 16 so I just went with 16 for plot purposes. This chapter was mainly to get the story started so the next chapter will hopefully be much longer!

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