Return to American Rust

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Looking at the old truck made Max giddy inside, she felt like this was going to be an adventure.

"Is this it?" Warren was gawking at the truck.

"Sure is, let's check it out!" She grabbed his wrist and yanked him to follow her. It was definitely the truck. The Eye of Providence sharpied onto the rear wall was unmistakable.

Curious, Warren stepped closer, further examining the vehicle. Making a walk around it, inspecting the wheel wells and under the truck. He came back around, rubbing his neck, "David was right, body rust is eating it up." He turned back to it, slightly cocking his head, "but the frame isn't too bad. Should still be driveable." He shrugged.

"You know you way around a car?" Intrigued by his comments.

He shrugged again, "sort of. I just think it's interesting, all the complex mechanics working together to create one of the most  effective forms transportation."

What a dork... She beamed at him. A rejuvenated fire within her. "You think we can get it started?" Max was eager to be back on the road again, she wanted so desperately to feel free.

He crooked his mouth up, "pop the hood, I'd need to see what we're working with."

Max strode to the driver's side door, a small skip in her step. Thankfully, the door popped open as she pressed the button under the handle. 

It still smelled like Chloe, cigarettes, weed and metal.

She reached below the dashboard and pulled a handle with a hood drawing on it. With a click the hood popped open slightly.

The bench seat was torn in some areas, exposing age-warped foam. A patterned rug was thrown over the passenger side of the bench. Stickers and sharpie graffiti art decorated the dashboard, along with some trash. Piles of crumpled papers, probably tickets, pens and a couple vacant packs of cigarettes. Max hopped in and sat behind the wheel, moving the gear shift side by side like how Warren did earlier in his car.


Startled slightly by his exclamation, Max was so lost in her thoughts she almost forgot he was there. Twisting the lower half of her body, she hopped out the seat and went over to where Warren was standing. A tube to the top of the motor was disconnected, revealing a grimy drain-looking thing.

"Uh, what's so cool? I just have, no clue what I'm supposed to be looking at." She shifted her weight on her feet, bobbing side to side with pent up energy.

"That's a four-barreled carb right there, I'm guessing this is a 351." He sounded impressed, to Max, he might as well be speaking Spanish.

She shook her head while beaming again, "you know, I still have no clue what you're saying." She folded her arms, expecting him to go into a lecture.

"Its just a cool motor, these designs were used in the sixties."

Max laughed, "car nerd as well as science nerd?"

He scoffed while brandishing a smile of his own, "I just think they're kinda cool."

She laughed again and brushed her bangs off her face, feeling slightly warm in her chest and face. "So, uh, what does it need?"

He glanced back to the open engine bay, "I'm guessing not much. It was running before, during your alternate week?"

She nodded, "yeah, should I try to start it?"

He gave her a nod, "yeah, crank it."

Momentarily confused by what he said, she realized he meant the keys. "Alright." She strode back into the driver's seat, leaving the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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