A Good Dream

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Max stirred in her sleep, the cogs beginning to turn.

"Max, wake up..."

The gears caught, twisting her brain to life. She fluttered her eyes, clearing them. She sat up onto her side, leaning on her left hand.

"You were out pretty hard, hell you still are..." her familar punk sat on Max's couch, her right foot resting on her left knee, spreading her arms on the rest and the back of the couch. She greeted her friend with a lengthy grin.

Max shot out of bed and hugged Chloe, wrapping their arms around each other.


"It's alright..." Chloe was the first one to let go, Max sat across her on the bed. "Glad to see you kept your promise."

"And Max Caulfield, don't you forget about me."

Max shook her head, "never." Repeating the same words she'd promised during the penultimate moment of their already eventful week.

"You got justice for Rachel too? And Kate?"

Max was stunned to hear the afterthought of Kate, but delighted to hear it.

"Yes, Jefferson is going to die in prison."

Chloe smiled widely, "I knew you could do it, Super Max."

"I had to... not just for you, or Kate, or Rachel, but for me too..." Max held her arm tight to her body.

Her punk stood up and knelt below Max. "You shouldn't have gone through what you did... nobody, especially you deseved that..."

Thinking about the dark room again, broke something in Max. "But it happened, like the rest of the week, it was real... nobody else knows, not even Jefferson himself, nobody but me..."

Chloe held Max's hand, "Kate experienced it too. I may not be around, but you are not alone. You're the strongest person I've ever met, and I knew Rachel fucking Amber." She gave Max a supportive look.

Chloe and her mom are more alike than she knows...

"But I never could've saved you, no matter how many times I've tried, you still died."

The blue haired girl sighed, "you have got to stop beating yourself up, I never tried to guilt-trip you this much." She stood up and picked up Max's face by her chin. "You're Max Caulfield, and you're amazing, you never asked for your power, but you've done nothing but show your love and kindness not just for me, but for your other friends. You tried to save Kate too, but she's alive again, show her your love too..."

Max was about to retort.

"Even that dork boy whose still drooling all over you."

Images of her nightmare flashed through her mind.

Warren, patrolling the rows of lockers in the broken reality of Blackwell.

"Maxxxx, let's gooooooo apeeee! Let's test my new wheels," his voice contorts deepy, and menacingly, "get in the car!"

Max shudders, "I don't know, Chloe..."

"Because of the nightmare?"

Max was about to say something again before Chloe interrupts, "don't be so shocked, dude, I'm literally a part of your mind now... this is all a dream, remember? I'm so proud that you actually got high! Shame I missed it..."

Max giggled, "yeah, it was kind of cool, but I dunno if it's something I'd want to keep doing."

"That's up to you, just like everything else. I can't tell you anything about Warren, other than he seems like a good guy. And you did kiss him in the diner." She added.

"Oh shut up! I did that because I wasn't sure if I'd ever see him again!"

"Whiiiiiiich you wouldn't have done if you didn't feel even slightly the same about him as he so obviously does."

Max felt her cheeks heating up.

She's right...

"I just don't think I can handle anything like that right now... I did lose the only person, besides my parents, that I've truly loved..."

Chloe grinned and jumped on the bed, kneeling on the mattress before dropping her legs down next to Max. She put her arm across Max's back and held her own hand. Max rested her head on Chloe's shoulder, as Chloe rested her cheek on Max's scalp.

"Max, you're the strongest, most selfless, amazing person. Stop beating yourself up, you sacrificed me, to give the life back to everyone in the town. Maybe not all of them deserved it, but you did that. I couldn't have..."

"Maybe I shouldn't have... I just miss you, so much..." she began to cry softly.

"Hey...." Chloe was tearing up too. "We're partners in time, it's time for you to turn the page."

Max pinched her eyes shut, squeezing out her tears, and fell asleep on the punk who only existed in her memories now.

Max slowly opened her eyes, awaking to her reality. The early morning sun was shining through her windows, the blinds halting some of them.

I made some peace with Chloe, and got a good night's sleep. I should check in with Kate today... and Warren.

She stood up, gazing at herself in the mirror. She did look clean, and smell clean, a portion of her hair was stuck upright.

Thanks, bedhead...

Her mind fell back onto, Warren.

He's a good friend, but that's all I want to stay.

A second voice joined her in her head.

Is it though?

Max wasn't sure if she could answer that. Instead she threw her gray hoodie over her, zipped it up and pulled the hood up.

I should get a walk...

Max kept her hands in her pockets, the Blackwell campus was vacant during the waking hours of the day. Birds were chirping and singing their dawn songs, instead of flying into the buildings.

She shivered thinking about that, exploding when they slammed into the glass...

You're in reality, Max. That was a nightmare, just a nightmare...

It felt, strange seeing the main courtyard completely empty. A golden-hour-esque hue of light engulfed the property, the statue of Jeremiah Blackwell was shining, creating a second sun. Autumn leaves rustled their branches as a gust of wind struck them.

Max sat on the edge of the fountain, closing her eyes and taking in the natural warmth.

I did save Blackwell, and Arcadia Bay, but no one will ever know... except Warren...

Warren... what do I think about him?

He's a good guy, a better friend, he believes me and my insane stories.

And I kissed him.

Max smiled reflecting on that moment.

"For luck..."

"Max, in case we don't make it out, I want you to know-"

"I know, Warren, I know..."

Despite this, I do want to give him a chance, but not yet... it's too soon.

Her thoughts ceased when clouds shifted across the sky, blocking the light.

"Damn." Max picked herself up and continued to walk around the campus, stopping in front of the pool building. Remembering the night they broke in, well more like trespassing, it was a good night. Max smiled to herself and kept walking. Stopping in the student parking lot, Warren's old blue car sat all alone in the corner, Chloe's truck was nowhere to be seen, probably towed away...

She felt like her heart was dragging her body down.

It was honestly a piece of shit, but also it was Chloe... Max, I know what you're gonna do today.

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