Catching Up

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I have to get that truck... for me.

Max swiftly pivoted on the ball of her heel and exited the parking lot, she had to find that truck...

Joyce or David would known what happened to it after...

Max shook her head to rid that painful memory.

She took out her phone and was ready to call Joyce, pausing when she read the time; 7:23.

Damn, I shouldn't call her this early. I'll stop by the Two Whales, she's probably working this morning...

Returning her gaze to her phone, she instead decided to text Warren.

Max, 7:24 AM: Hey, you awake??

To her surprise, a reply was not sent. Not immediately at least. She stared at the unread text, slightly impatient with her plan now stuck in her head.

She slipped the phone back into her pocket and began trekking back to the dorms. Crossing through the entrance courtyard, the early autumn rays of light highlighted the variety of colors in the trees.

This would be a great shot...

"Always take the shot..."

She shook her head again. Nope. Not right now.

William's camera found it's way back into her hands, her trusty old Polaroid retired to her shelf.

The flash startled a bluejay from within the cluster of branches and leaves, letting Max know of it's annoyance.

She plucked the picture from her printer and flicked it before looking at it. It was so beautiful, the majority of the leaves were an earthy brown, a few red clusters appeared drier were spread sporadically. The lighting highlighted the brown and made it appear a bronze, the morning dew gave it a polished shine.

A chirp that could only be recognized as a text interrupted her photo analysis.

Warren, 7:28 AM: Yeah, sorry was in shower. What's up?

Max, 7:28 AM: I'm looking to go to 2 whales, need to see Joyce. Can you drive?

Warren, 7:29 AM: Sure if you buy me an omelet :)

Max, 7:29 AM: You've got a deal. Meet me in front of school?

Warren, 7:29 AM: Awesome, be there in 5

Max, 7:29 AM: See you (>‿◠)

Max took a breather and sat on the edge of the fountain, the water splash calming her nerves.

Warren has been nothing but kind to me... I just hope that he's not, obsessed with me...

She shuddered thinking about finding his locker in the dark maze of broken time and space. The pictures, the doll... Max sent a silent prayer to anyone who'd listen, that it wasn't real.

It was just part of the nightmare, right?

That was so not cool in the locker, but Warren isn't really like that, is he?

Kate said he was a cutie pie with a good heart, she wouldn't lie about him...

Her thoughts were paused when she heard his voice; "Maaaaaaaax, come out... let's go ape! Ape, ape, ape! Just get in the car..." his singsong tone became one of malevolence, "get in the car!"


Her head jolted to the voice, surprising her. Warren stood a couple feet away, his hands residing in the pockets of his navy hoodie. No black eye stained his face.

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