Chapter Three: Far Away

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Max gasped as her back rocketed upwards, cold sweat ran down her face and stuck her pajamas to her legs.

Her breath was unsteady, slowly regaining control. Her room was dark, illuminated by the lampposts outside in the courtyard, the blinds were half-drawn, allowing the lights to creep into her room. She stared at the rays, expecting them to rotate.
Like the lighthouse.

To her surprise, the light remained stagnant.

It was a dream, holy shit, it was a dream.
She pulled her legs to her chest and hugged them close, resting her forehead on her knees.

It had been a couple weeks since Nathan had shot Chloe, since Jefferson was put behind bars, for good. Over a week ago, she watched as her partner in time get lowered into the ground, resting besides the father that she had loved so much. She had brought justice to Rachel, Jefferson was arrested on account of Nathan's confession, once David had raided the dark room, there was no chance Mark Jefferson would ever walk a free man.

It made Max sick to her stomach thinking about all the binders of all those, subjects, that were turned over to the police. Kate's name was among them, Max would've been another name.

She started to cry silently, in her own dark room.

Silence and darkness were suffocating her, her chest tightened and her joints locked, like a machine that lacked any lubrication.

She had to get out of here.

In a minute she had thrown her dirty gray hoodie over herself and walked to the stairwell leading to the roof. If she was right, David failed to make sure this door was locked. Twisting the handle it opened.

Thanks, David.

The roof was open, cool, clear, and roofed by the starry night sky. Max took a deep breath, engulfing herself in the misty morning air. It smelled so clean, crisp compared to Seattle. Not a single car drove past Blackwell, leaving Max to her thoughts.
She sat on the concrete, in the spot Kate had jumped. Thankfully, this was in a past timeline. She threw her legs over the edge and arched her back to take a quick glance at the ground that seemed so far below.
Tobunga seemed to be staring at her.

I wish it was always this quiet.

She shut off her thoughts and tried to gain her inner peace, she turned her gaze to the sky above.

"Honestly, Max, we're on a rock, hurdling through an infinity at thousands of miles per hour. The sun is a rock thats on fire, Jupiter is mostly a cloud. There's an infinity all around us."

Typical Warren, but I can see why he loves science so much. It's incredible.

Most of the stars were concealed by the clouds, but the few that were not hidden were shining bright tonight. Blues, oranges and white specks peppered the sky. The moon was nowhere to be seen, but the sky had entranced her.


A chill ran down her neck and up her arms, like someone was watching her. She dropped her head and began to quietly scan the area, turning her head to the door. She was alone up here, but that feeling...

There was a scuff of a shoe below her, a boy had left the dorms early. Dressed in a hoodie and sweats, he walked up the sidewalk, onto the freshly mowed grass, and laid down.

Max couldn't help but stifle a giggle.

Someone's on something, really, really late.
The student was laying on the lawn, feet crossed with his hands resting on his gut, and lost in the sky.

That's definitely Warren. I don't think anyone else would be up this early.

The pitch black of the sky was now invaded by a barrage of blue and hazy gold.

I should try to sleep again.

Warren stared into the sky, the early mornings were always his favorite time of the day. Peaceful, nobody would be up, but the sun would be joining him shortly. The freckles of stars began to vanish, swallowed by the sunrise.

The cool dew covered his face like a blanket. He felt his warm skin touch the moisture for even a second. It was so, refreshing. He saw the lone girl sitting on the roof, but he felt that maybe she should need to come to terms, and he would be there if she needed him.

If she needed him.

He didn't know if she did, but if she wanted his presence, she'd seek him out.

In the meantime, give her space.

He sighed and continued to watch the stars vanish, one by one.

Max was silent as she crept back to her room, the dormant hall gave her goosebumps. She definitely was scared of the dark, more so of what could hide in it.

She got back into her room and switched on her hanging lamps, giving the room a dim white glow.

She sighed, more of relief. Nathan and Victoria didn't vandalize her room in this timeline. Lisa's leaves slightly twitched with a breeze coming through the window. The box of chocolate still remained in her closet, her guitar leaned against her couch.

I'm back, in the right time at least.

She pressed power the button on her Hi-Fi, and a gentle acoustic had greeted her.

José González' Far Away had filled her room with a calming yet melancholy tone.

Max dropped her back onto her bed, sprawling her arms and her legs hanging off the mattress.

She closed her eyes and was engulfed by the music.

"Step in front of a runaway train
Just to feel alive again
Pushing forward through the night
Aching chest and blurry sight

It's so far, so far away
It's so far, so far away

Cold wind blows into the skin
Can't believe the state you're in

It's so far, so far away
It's so far, so far away"

Tears began to run down her face.

"Who are you trying to impress
Steadily creating a mess?
Step in front of a runaway train
Just to feel alive again
Pushing forward through the night
Aching chest and blurry sight
Aching chest and blurry sight
Aching chest and blurry sight

Step in front of a runaway train
Just to feel alive again
Pushing forward through the night
Aching chest and blurry sight
Aching chest and blurry sight
Aching chest and blurry sight"

I'm so sorry, Chloe. I couldn't save you... now, you're so far away.

She gave in, and silently cried herself to sleep.

Warren was still gazing into the heavens, the black sky was replaced with a hazy blue, the one star that truly mattered was beginning its cycle.

He couldn't stop thinking about Max, unlike his usual thoughts, he tried to think about what was happening to her.

She told him that the girl that Nathan had shot, was her childhood best friend, Chloe. Mr. Madsen's stepdaughter. Even David Madsen, the hard ass Blackwell cop, couldn't hold a stone face when he busted into the bathroom after the shot.

There was a lot of pain making its way through the school, even Warren felt it. Nobody should ever have to watch that, let alone Max. To him, she was still Max, the same girl he had feelings for the minute they met, but, she was cold, distant. It scared him, but he knew he'd understand if she would talk to him. He also knew that he couldn't force the conversation, Max had to talk to him on her own. He felt like the best move, was to be a supportive friend.

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