Chapter Three: The Midnight Meeting

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Without another word on the matter me and Amanda were in our nightgowns brushing our teeth for bed. After we had our snack I had to ask Amanda three things:
“Amanda,” I began
“Yes, Watson,” she replied. I was so used to be Wo Sen that I almost glanced around to check no one could hear.
“Why does your mother want me to call her June, I thought it was impolite? Secondly, why did your father look so troubled when he saw Martin with Sofia? And, finally, and most importantly, why did you hurry us up here?” I puffed heartily.

“Simple, to answer your first question: my mother thinks I am amazing - well, I am, obviously, - so she likes my friends to be her friends too. The answer to the other two is simple and the same: me and my father both thought Martin was upstairs, but he clearly wasn’t!” She answered.

“Oh, that makes sense! It is also very annoying though,” I grunted.
“Why?” questioned Amanda.
“Because I wanted one holiday where I was Maisy and you were Amanda, not Wo Sen and Fu’ermost!” I murmured, slightly afraid of the response.

“I understand.” Amanda spoke so emotionally I nearly had a heart attack.
“You what?” I gasped.
“Understand.” She repeated slowly.
What I did next was not very smart, ladylike, or Watsony at all and I am ashamed; I fainted after laughing!


I awoke to the harsh sound of Amanda tearing up a book.
“Amanda?” I said wearily.
“What?” she spluttered.
“Have you been crying?” I asked merely curious.
“I’m sorry, it’s just detecting is in your blood, it’s just my, I don’t know, maybe it’s just me being your friend. I don’t see how you understand!” I whispered angrily.

“You wouldn’t understand if I told you!” She said rudely, “as you faint when I say I understand. I suppose you just aren’t really Wo Sen!” She finished, before getting into bed and shutting off the light.

“Amanda, I.” I was lost for words; maybe she was right, maybe I just wanted to be her friend, maybe I should just go back to school.
As I struggled to sleep I stopped doubting myself, though - I solved those mysteries too! She would just have to put up with it!


I woke up as the sun streamed across my face. I was hot and bothered, but the worst thing was I saw what Amanda had been ripping. It was the detective book (Murder on the Orient Express) I got her for her last birthday – April 17th. I burst into tears, which woke Amanda, but instead of asking what was wrong she simply said “Maisy, buck up, it’s not really your book.”

“I gave it to you!” I croaked.
“Yes, yes you did, hence it’s mine to do what I want with.” she replied coolly.
“You know what!” I shouted. “You claim you’re the best friend ever and perfect, but do you know what you really are? The opposite!” I started to storm out the room but Amanda pulled my arm. She had tears in her eyes and her hair was knotted like she had been stressing all night.

“You’re right,” she began. “However you, you, you...” She had no comeback! Had I done it? Had I cracked Amanda Adley?
“Amanda,” I murmured.
“What?” She snarled. “What do you want?” She was really crying now.

This was it. I could save our friendship, or be respected. I had to choose...

“I know you,” I muttered. “You didn’t rip that book - well, you did, but you didn’t rip the one I gave you! It’s still in your bedside drawer and you just got one from your library. You are still the Amanda I know. The perfect, cunning Amanda I know!”
“Good work, Wo Sen! If only there were two Sherlocks – but there aren’t!” she added quickly. “Shall we forget all of this? I am honestly very sorry.”
“Well, I don’t know,” I giggled, “you are Amanda Adley, I’m just Maisy Liu, isn’t our friendship banned?”
Amanda walked over to me and tickled me so hard, her sister’s cat Misty ran at the sound of me screaming with laughter!
”Come on, Wo Sen, let’s go and have breakfast, though quietly - its 6am.”
“Oh, you lead, Fu’ermost.” And we went arm in arm, tiptoeing downstairs

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