Chapter 10

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Pulling my card on my pocket I found out that my studio's door is already hanging open, so I fumble through the light switch to turn it on just to see Jae standing in the corner with a narrowed eyes looking at me.

"What is it sunbae?" I ask and sit on my swivel chair.

He didn't sit down and crosses his arm on his chest still glaring at me, "Why are you ignoring us? Not only Young K is asking, but also Sungjin, Dowoon and Wonpil, is it because of what I said?" He ask and I look at him releasing a sigh.

"I feel uncomfortable" I confesses that makes Jae sit on the chair across me.

"You don't have to, Young K is being bothered loosing his focus and cannot write a song properly, Sungjin is beyond stress because of him too that makes him scold Young K more than needed and resulting for him becoming more sensitive" Jae explained and I feel guilty.

"I'm sorry about that but I don't know what to do" I admit that makes Jae sigh.

"Do you want him to confess to you personally?" He ask but I shake my head vigorously.

Jae smirk and look at me, unbelief is in his eyes, "So what I am thinking is true, you're scared" He accuses that makes me twitch my eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?" I ask.

"That you are scared to accept his feelings" Jae said and stand up about to leave but his next words strike straight through my heart, "You don't have to do anything aside from accepting him, just let Brian do everything for you" He said and left.

That makes me lost for words and also lose my focus on the song I am working and knowing that Young K is having a hard time too, I turn my phone on, reading Young K's messages from before we leave Japan up until last night.

What catches my attention is Young K's message the night after we left Japan.

Young K🦊 ㅋㅋ
Can we meet?
I have important thing to say

Young K🦊 ㅋㅋ
Guess you are busy,
I'll wait for u
at our fav hang out at 8pm

Young K🦊 ㅋㅋ
I'm here
I'll wait for you kay?

Young K🦊 ㅋㅋ
It's too cold here
Haven't seen my messages yet?

Young K🦊 ㅋㅋ
Aren't u going to come?

Young K🦊 ㅋㅋ
Guess I should've asked u
In person

And the next messages are checking up how I am doing, why I'm not replying to him and am I mad at him.

I feel really guilty not checking his messages that night, guilty about not showing up the night he said he wants to meet me.

But I am now decided to reject his feelings so I ignore those thoughts and tried to focus on my work.


(AN: Only few chapters left)

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