Chapter 1

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I was in my thoughts thinking "I hate my life. People treat me like I'm some outcast, it's not fair. I wish people would treat me the same way they treat their friends I mean come on."

"HEY SHANAYA ARE YOU THERE YOOHOO" Kim asked. I snapped out of my thoughts

"Huh what, what's going on?" I said.

"I asked if you were ok.

"Oh yeah I guess...." I said

"Shanaya if there's something wrong you can tell me you know that right?" Kim said.

"Yeah I know Kim but it's no one treats me right they never do....what you mean? Well they call me names and say stuff to people that's not true it's not right" I said

"No your right it's not right....but you shouldn't let that get to you because as long as you know that known of that crap is true then you just ignore you know....another thing no one's perfect which ones like you...and if there was a sheet right in front of me asking me what I think of you it would be like this....... Your kind, sweet, gentle in your own way, and Shanaya you are beautiful in your own way that's all I have to say." Kim said I smiled

"Thank you Kim" But I frowned again "I have some bad news"

"What the bad news about" Kim frowned

"I'm moving to America and won't be to see my BFF again"

"we are still going to see each other in the summer and we can video chat on Facebook" Kim said

"but I don't have a Facebook account" I said

"well let's make one for you" Kim said.

"Cool that's sounds great but what about my parents I don't think that they're going to let me have a Facebook?"

"Well what can be another way we can talk?"

"Oh I got it, we can video chat because I have a computer but my parents check my computer every night so the only way that's the only way we can be able to talk to each other." I said excitedly.

So for the rest of the day we made a secret account and whenever my parents check what I go on every night I delete the history and they won't even know.

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