Chapter 3

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The next morning I heard noises coming from outside and made a honking noise and I fell off the bed. I woke up and looked out the window and saw a truck and I groaned. I got ready and took my bag and small suitcase into my car and all my stuffed animals into the car trunk. I got in and went to McDonalds and get breakfast. I got a discount as always because Kim works here. She gave me the food and drinks and gave me a goodbye hug. I went back home and handed my mom, dad and brother their food and drove to Florida. I got to Florida after midnight and checked into the hotel. I went into my hotel room and fell asleep in my clothes I wore today. The next morning, I heard talking coming from the couch in my hotel room. I put a pillow over my head but I could still hear them I tried to cover my head with a blanket still didn't work so I woke up and saw Zayn in front of me.

"BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zayn yelled. I screamed and fell out of bed and got up and glared at Zayn.

"What was that for Zayn?!" I asked

"I don't know" Zayn smirked and started running. I ran after him

"I'm going to get you Malik" I called behind from him

"catch me if you can" Zayn said

I took a shortcut and caught up to him and jumped on his back "I got you haha" I cheered.

"How did you but how?" he asked

"It's called a shortcut" I said as I pointed to the extra hall.

"You're good." Zayn said

"I know" I said proudly and grinned

"let's go back to the room before some fans find us and chase us like the guys did last time" Zayn warned

"ok let's go giddy up horsey who is my favorite cousin lol" I laughed as Zayn took me back to the room. The guys saw me on Zayn's back and started to laugh

"it looks like Shanaya has a new horse" Harry laughed

"why yes I do his name is Zayniepoop." I laughed

"very funny Shanaya" Zayn said as he put me on the bed and he sat next to me.

"Let's go eat something I'm starving" I said

"Yeah let's go to Nando's" Niall said

"isn't that a little too early Niall?" Liam asked. I checked my phone to see if Nando's is open at 10 am

"sorry Niall Nando's isn't open until 12 P.M. plus the nearest one is in Washington D.C." I said sadly

"awww man where can we go to eat now" Niall asked

"there's IHop they make awesome food" I suggested."

"Good idea but do they have pancakes and omelets?" Harry asked

"yea" I said

"let's go!" Harry said as he ran to the lobby. Zayn took my bag and took it to the limo. I checked out of the hotel and met the guys in the limo. We ate at Ihop and Liam paid. I kept insisting to pay but he kept declining until I gave up.

"So now where should we go now? I asked

"let's go to your new house you will love it even we saw it when we had a concert here" Niall said

"ok let's go" I said as I got into the limo.

We were around the corner of the house and they blindfolded me and I groaned.

"Do I have to wear a blindfold?!" I asked

"yes this house is a surprise your favorite cousin and your mom, dad, and brother picked it" Zayn said.

"Ok" I said awkwardly.

We soon arrived to the house and Niall helped me out of the limo and I thanked him. They opened the doors and brought me in and they made me stood by the door and Zayn took my blindfold off and whispered "open your eyes" in my ear. So I opened my eyes and wowed in amazed at the living room and felt like fainting but I managed not to. I looked around and noticed new furniture in the living room. I'm wondering if we have new furniture everywhere

"there you are Shanaya we've been waiting for you to unpack your new room" my mom said

"I still have my stuff?" I asked my mom

"yes" my mom said

"yay" I said as I ran upstairs to my room and saw my room that I always wanted in Pink. I screamed at the top of my lungs. The guys came right behind me they gave me a grin since they designed the room and I gave them each a huge hug.

"You guys are the best" I said

"we know" the guys said as Liam checked the time

"hey we've got to leave we have to catch the flight to London in half an hour" Liam said.

They all gave me a hug and left. I was all alone in my room. I started unpacking and I found I small box that I have never seen before on my dresser. I opened it and saw a note that says "wear this to school tomorrow for me and you will be the most beautiful girl in school -your secret admirer." I was blushing. I put the necklace back on the dresser and unpacked the rest of the stuff. I saw two doors in my room I opened on and saw a walk in closet and it was huge. I put my clothes and shoes in the closet I felt tired and fell asleep for the night.

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