Chapter 27 - Surprises

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Sofie's POV

I was do grateful that things worked our between Shawn and I. I would've hated if I had to spend any longer without speaking to him. I was like a lampshade without a lightbulb, as strange as that metaphor is.

But getting on good terms with Matt and Shawn again and clearing the whole thing about me breaking the guitar up added new problems. It was still a mystery as to who was the one that actually broke Shawn's guitar. I honestly didn't have a clue and I didn't think anybody else did either.

I wanted to shake the thought out of my head, but the guys' constant dwelling was driving me insane, forcing me to question every one of our friends. I had no idea who would do such a thing, and I had a lesser idea as to why. This is why I push things to the back of my mind.

I wanted things to go back to the way they were when I first started dating Shawn. There was no drama, no problems and no hate. I had this relationship with Shawn that was secret and cute and loving and all I want is for things to go back to that. But with everything with Hayes and the hate and Shawn's guitar, it's all a little messed up.

I decided to distract myself by texting Chase and Alexis. I had been speaking to them the whole time I was on tour, but I never really filled them in on the drama. I obviously told them I was dating Shawn, which caused Alexis to go hysterical. I briefed them on Hayes, which they were both surprised about. Alexis told me that she always thought Hayes was nice on the internet, but she guessed she was wrong. I didn't tell them about the guitar or the hate. I didn't want them freaking out or worrying. I didn't see any flaw in not telling them about those things.

"So, how's life? You're probably living it up while I've got to study for a History test tomorrow" Alexis texted me on her, mine and Chase's group chat. Usually group chats are annoying but ours was the exception.

"Good. Things are great with Shawn" I said, leaving out our little fight. "See any cute girls yet?" Chase asked typically. I replied with "Nope, but I won't stop searching".

"So, what do you want for your birthday?" Alexis said with a cute emoji. I hadn't occurred to me that my birthday was in a week. With everything that had been going on, it hadn't crossed my mind. When I thought about it, I didn't have a clue what I wanted to get for my birthday. Especially a sweet 16th. Seeing as I was going to be spending it in Chicago with the boys, I wasn't exactly going to be able to have a proper party.

"I don't really know yet" I replied, contemplating my options. Just then, Shawn appeared before me with a smile spread across his face. "Hey beautiful" he said, sitting down next to me on the soft bed. "How's it going?". I replied with a "Good, just thinking about what I want for my birthday". Shawn's eyes widened as he said "I forgot! It's in 6 days, right?", a wary tone in his voice, hoping he had gotten the date right. I nodded, relieving him of sheer embarrassment.

"So, what do you want?" he asked with his eyebrow raised. Any other girl in my position would probably take advantage of their boyfriend and would have asked for something special and amazing. I, on the other hand, didn't really want anything big from Shawn. I would appreciate anything that Shawn got me. Whether he got me a puppy or a keychain, I'd still love him for it. Cheesy as it is, but it's the truth.

"I don't know" I said plainy, giving Shawn an answer he most likely didn't expect. He sighed and glared at me. "Oh come on Sofie. What do I get the girl who has everything?". I scoffed at his reply and sarcastically responded with "A pony". His lips pulled into a straight line impatiently, but I knew he wasn't truly mad. "Really?" he said. I sighed and said something even more irritating. "A surprise" I told him. In fact, he took my answer rather well. I expected him to be impatient and ask for a proper answer. He took my request in his stride and clapped his hands together, a smirk on his face.

"You won't be disappointed" he said boyishly, a toothy grin on his face, making me smile. I had no idea what he had planned but I was excited. Suddenly, a happy Matt bounced over and interuppted with a "Who won't be disappointed?". I gave him a look and said "Nosy much?". He just grinned obnoxiously and turned to Shawn. "Sofie" Shawn answered. "She asked for a surprise for her birthday". Matt spun around and stared at me. "Your birthday? Oh, yeah, it's in a week or something". I raised an eyebrow at him and said "Really Matt? I'm your sister, you should know when my birthday is". He gave me a disbelieving look. "Like you know when my birthday is" he said sarcastically. "July 7th" I responded, shocking Matt slighty. I outstretched my arms cockily, saying "Best sister ever". Matt scoffed at me, his arms folded across his chest.

His mood changed however, when he suddenly exclaimed "Wait! We have to plan a birthday party! It's your sweet 16th for God's sake". His enthuastism made me giggle, but I wasn't so fond about the party idea. "I'm going to have a party when I get back to Virginia. It's stupid to have one while we're on tour". Matt wasn't having any of it though. He was already mumbling party ideas under his breath to himself. "He's not even listening" Shawn stated the obvious. "You're getting a party whether you like it or not". I pouted, probably an over-the-top action, but I didn't care. Matt was wasting his time! I love parties, but I was looking forward to my party back home. I didn't need two, he was wasting his sweet time.

Matt soon left us, probably to go have another Nerf gun war or plan my unwanted party. I let Shawn wrap his arms around me as he whispered in my ear. "I'll persuade Matt to not have the party. But don't worry, we'll still celebrate your birthday". I turned my head and looked up at him. "How?" I asked curiously, studying Shawn's face. The corner of his mouth was curled up, almost smiling. "You, me, and a fancy dinner. My treat" he said with a smug grin on his face. "Sofisticated" I replied, causing Shawn to smirk confidently. He then crashed his lips onto mine, startling me, his soft lips brushing against mine. I adjusted quickly and kissed him back, my eyes firmly shut and my body close to his. His large hand cradled the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him.

"Get a room!" a voice yelled, which I soon noticed as Nash's. Shawn pulled away and shouted back across the room "Nashy is jelly!". That comment caused me to burst out into hysterical laughter. Shawn could be so mature one minute, and extremely childish the next. Added to the list of reasons I love him.

"Am not!" Nash replied, sounding exactly like a child being accused of being "a stupid poo poo". "I'm dripping in bitches!". I'm certain he got that from South Park. Shawn ignored him and continued to connected his lips with mine. It's not like I was complaining.


Crappy chapter but thanks for reading. Hope you guys all had a good Christmas and hopefully, I'll be able to update during the holidays. please vote, comment and share if you enjoyed 😘

Matt's Little Sister - A Magcon/Shawn Mendes Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now