"The End"

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                   Actually, she got insane and got mentally ill. When the guard ignored Amelia that not to arrest her, she snatched his gun and said , "I will kill myself if you will not arrest me." There was a huge crowd of people watching her madness.

                   The guard was very nervous, he said, '"Give me my gun, people are watching you. You are insulting me and yourself too. A person's respect is in his own hands."  Amelia replied, "I will give you the gun but you have to arrest me. Arrest!"

                "Fine, I will arr.. arrest you, but give me my gun first." The guard hesitated. As Amelia was giving him his gun and as the guard was taking it, she took back the gun and shot her two times. She was taken to the hospital and the police called her father. Her father was very broken and was waiting for the doctors to tell about her present condition.

                 The doctor came. What do you think what had happened? The doctor said what? The doctor said, "We are extremely sorry. We could not save the life of the patient. She is no longer." Mr.James grieved and begin crying.

               Most of all, she sucided and in the same condition as both of the clairvoyants said. I think this would really happen. Later on, her properties, her business was handled by her father then. He sometimes missed her daughter a lot and was regretted that last time when they met before death, they both quarelled. He was somehow blaming himself for her death because he said that I cannot support you anymore and after two days she died.

                  As you sow shall you reap. So, check out what
                  are you sowing because that is what you'll get.


Thank you for reading. I appreciate you all who read my story and liked it!💖

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