Chapter Five

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Its 3:02am and I can't sleep. Its not much but its all I could bring up with a tired brain. Sorry I haven't updated either. Forgiveness??


Eli and I didnt even have time to walk inside Scotts house before being pulled into an imbrace from Scotts mum.

"I havent seen either of you for ages. Uncle Phil and I were starting to think you got abducted by aliens or something."

"Yeah time fly's by so fast. How are you and uncle Phil?" Phil and Cassandra, Cas for short, are Scotts parents and its always been easier to call them aunty and uncle.

"Oh you know, Same as always, now come inside before you get too cold." Cas may seem like one of those hard strict parents when you first meet her but actually she is a loving person who thinks of others before herself.

"Hey Scott" I walk into the kitchen and grab some dinner plates and walk over to the table and start laying them down.

"Oh hey Saph" Scott looks up and forces a smile before looking back down and placing the cutlery.

"What's wrong Scott?" He takes in a deep breath, deciding what to say and how to say it, "not the right time and place to talk about it."

I drop the subject instantly, I know that something is really bothering him but I also know that he will tell me when he is ready and I don't want to cause a argument by pushing him.

"I met a guy the other day" I try to sound like it doesn't faze me at all, "and he seems familiar but I can't think of where."

I notice Scott freeze what he is doing but try to shake it off. "Oh really? What's his name?" The emotion in his voice is scary. It seems almost scared, heartbroken and caution in one.
"Alex" I try to match the tone I was talking in before but the way Scott is acting is kind of scaring me.

"There are lots of Alex's. Its a very popular name." "Yeah but-" I try to protest but Uncle Phil sneaks up behind me and gives me a big bear hug lifting me off the ground and winding me in the process.

"I've missed you baby bear" He places me on the ground again and I breath in the precious air that was forced out of my lungs moments ago.

"I've missed you too papa bear but no need to squeeze the life out of me." We both laugh and before anyone can comment Aunty Cas calls us all for her delicious famous meatballs.

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