Chapter 27: Information

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   Aphira sat in her tent, sharpening her sword.  It had been about a month since Whip escaped, and tensions had only grown stronger between her and Ryker, but despite this, she had earned most of the Hunters trust.

   Dragons had slowly started to trickle out of the archipelago, starting with a lone dragon or pairs, then gradually forming whole flocks flying away from Berk to claim their own islands.  However, every single time, they met Aphira, Blackout, and the Dragon Hunters first.

   Aphira had become better and better with a bow, leading Ryker to believe that she no longer needed Blackout.  And although Aphira tried to hide it, her dragon clearly knew that the new Hunter was only holding onto her dragon by a thread, and that thread was still hanging only because of Jay and other Hunters that backed her up.

   Aphira had a feeling that part of Ryker's reason for giving in to her was also to keep an eye on her.  Ryker most likely knew first hand that it wasn't such a great idea to have an enemy like her, so it probably would be easier to have her where, if she showed signs of betrayal, he could grab her at any time.

   The tensions between them certainly weren't helped by Aphira's aid to Whip and Whiplash, but she felt she owed the two something, and she didn't want to pay that debt fifteen years into the future.  She knew Whip was crumbled by her words, but, although she wasn't entirely sure she meant them, she knew she could use that to her advantage...if only Ryker would listen.

   Which was why she was leaving that night.  Not forever, just long enough to gather information and get back.  The Riders had infiltrated several Hunter bases, judging from the stories that Aphira's mother, Kiara, would tell when there were several patrolling Hunters, so how hard could it be to sneak into the Edge with only a few Riders sleeping inside?

   Aphira finished sharpening her sword and slipped it into the sheath on her back, then mounted Blackout, who had been waiting beside her.  

   Blackout burbled, and at this point, Aphira had figured out how to translate the basic gist of whatever her dragon was saying to her own ears.  "Sure?"  Blackout burbled again, flipping her ears up slightly.  Aphira nodded with a faint smile.  "I'm sure." 

   Blackout and Aphira took off into the night, staying low to the ocean as night turned to dawn, and dawn to day.  Aphira saw most of the Riders take off, except for Whip and decided she'd wait until they were all asleep again.

   Aphira took the fish, water, and berries she had packed from Blackout's saddlebag, and camped on a secluded beach just below the Healer Hut, which Ac had returned to at dusk.  Aphira mounted Blackout again, and they silently jumped up onto a bridge.  It was midnight, and the moon was no more than a slight sliver of glowing pearl in the night sky.  

   Aphira dismounted Blackout and signaled for her to keep watch on Aphira's back.  Blackout nodded and lifted into the air as Aphira slunk closer to where Ryker slept before the Riders had retaken the Edge.  She slinked inside and looked around, discovering many of Zephyr and Nuffink's belongings before realizing that the two shapes sleeping inside were, in fact, Zephyr and Nuffink with Whiteout and Shadow respectively sleeping beside and on top of them.

   Aphira slid around before discovering a piece of paper on a chest.  She snatched it up, then opened it to see dashes with names of the Jr. Riders (along with other names she wasn't familiar with) along the lines.  The dashes led to big black Xs on parts of the Hunter Island, and Aphira realized it was a plan of attack.

   Zephyr groaned and rolled over.  "Ac?"  She mumbled.  "Is that you?"  Aphira gasped, glancing up, then narrowed her eyes and memorized the barely seeable map before rolling it back up, putting it down on the chest again, and crouched, hoping that Zephyr wouldn't see her.

   "Ac..."  Zephyr mumbled.  "What is with you?  This is the third time this week!"  Aphira, realizing that Zephyr was getting up and starting to come down the ladder, turned and bolted.  When she crossed the flash of light, Zephyr must've realized she was someone else, because she immediately cried out.  "Aphira!" 

   "What?"  Nuffink yelped, his voice slurred, as Aphira raced out.  She whistled and was startled to see Blackout immediately land with a thump.  "Intruder!  Intruder!"  Zephyr's voice rang out, and Whiteout's roar followed up her cries.  "Let's go,  Blackout!"  Aphira hissed quietly, mounting her Lunawatcher.

   The two bolted away, and Aphira was relieved to see that they weren't pursued long.  

   We know their plan of attack.  Aphira thought, mind and heart racing.  Now what are we gonna do?

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