Chapter 16: Misunderstood

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   "Aphira!"  Whip's cry rang out after his sister.  She shot him a regretful look, then followed the Hunters away.

   "Whip, you're okay!"  Kiara rushed forward, wrapping her arms around her son.  "What were you thinking, going off on your own like that!?"  "He wasn't on his own,"  Whiplash said, flicking his tail.  "He had me."  "You were killed so you have NO say in this!"  Kiara snapped, then seemed to soften.

   "Whatever.  I'm just glad you're okay."  Kiara sighed.  "Mom, didn't you see Aphira?"  Whip asked.  Kiara seemed to freeze in place.  Grandfather, who Whip hadn't noticed beforehand, put his hand on her shoulder.  Kiara shrugged him off.

   Whip never seemed to remember their complicated relationship.  Despite Viggo being Kiara's father, she'd never seemed close to him, and rarely let him see her weak or sad, or let him comfort her.  He tilted his head.  He'd never understood that.  Why?

   Viggo was originally the leader of the Dragon Hunters.  Whiplash explained in Whip's brain and thoughts.  He revealed himself to be her father, but she turned him down.  After he tried to kill her and her friends, the Dragon Riders, several times over, things got a little tricky when he decided he wanted to turn on Johann - here his thoughts had a growl to them, and he even let a growl out loud when he mentioned Johann - and Krogan, since they had tried to kill him.  Ever since then, I'd assume Kiara was distant.  With her, blood means nothing - even if you're her father or brother.

   "What about daughter?"  Whip whispered.  "I don't know,"  Whiplash admitted softly, looking up at Kiara, who had turned to gaze out toward the sea, where a storm was flashing in the distance.  She sucked in a sharp breath.  "Come on.  Give her some time.  I can't wait to show you around!"  Whiplash purred, jumping toward the big block that Aphira and Blackout had guarded earlier.

   What if she doesn't forgive Aphira?  Whip thought, glancing back at Kiara.  Then how can I choose?  My Mom, Dad, and friends...or my sister?

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