Chapter 18: Night Terrors

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   "Aphira!"  Whip raced through the trees, pursuing his sister.  He couldn't see her, but he knew she was there - somehow.

   He tripped and fell into the dirt, except the dirt had fallen out from under him, and suddenly he was falling with his sister beside him.  A stone dropped in Whip's stomach as he hurtled closer and closer to the ground, and everything went black.

   "Whip?  Whip, are you okay?  Whip?"  Mother's concerned voice rang in Whip's ear.  Not dead.  Everything's fine.

   Except everything wasn't fine.  Aphira had chosen the Hunters over her family (for some reason) and had fled with them from 'Dragon's Edge' to who knew where.  Worse yet, Mother might not even care, just because her daughter was on a different side than she was!

   "Whip!"  Whiplash's roar jerked Whip back to reality, making him jerk up.  "He's alive."  The Singetail reported.  "Well, we knew that, you big dodo."  Kiara laughed, hugging Whiplash's head. Whiplash purred and nuzzled her.

   It was weird to Whip; how unfazed Kiara seemed at the fact her daughter had left the dragon-loving village to join the dragon-haters, and had fled with them in a heartbeat.  To Aphira, it hadn't seemed like she'd had a choice.  It seemed like she knew she'd follow the Hunters to Vahalla and beyond.  It seemed like suddenly, her whole life was gone, and Whip's heart was taken with it.

   "Hey."  Whiplash murmured, nuzzling Whip.  "It'll be ok."  "No, it won't be,"  Whip said.  "Did you not see how she just - just - LEFT?"  He blurted.  Mother glanced their direction.  "With no hesitation, no regret, no - no NOTHING?  She barely waiting a heartbeat."  Whip's voice shook and dripped with sadness.

   "It always seems like somebody ends up with the Hunters.  Leading them.  First Viggo, then Yournsky."  Mom murmured to herself.  "But - Aphira - she would never!"  Whip cried.  "You don't know that."  Mom said, her voice gentle and her eyes full of pity.  "Why don't you explore the island a bit?"

   "Ok..."  Whip said miserably.  "Come on," Whiplash said softly.  "I have some really cool places I want to show you."  Whip dragged himself onto Whiplash and was silent as the Singetail flew over the island, glancing around.  Suddenly, a screech came from a patch of forest.

   Whiplash, without missing a beat, dove toward it, making Whip fly off with a yell of surprise.  "Aaaah!"  He screamed.  Whiplash flared out his wings to stop himself and twisted, then shot forward toward Whip, focusing on a patch of forest behind him.  As soon as Whip's stomach slammed against Whiplash's body, knocking all the breath out of him, Whiplash twisted to fly - slower this time - toward the sound again.

   There were green dragons, two a darker shade with light green spots, and one vice versa.  "What the - Snaptrappers!?"  Whiplash cried.  Whip peered around his head to get a better look.

   Each body had four heads, and each head had three parts to their mouths, like a plant.  Whip sniffed the air, and he realized he was smelling the sweet sweet scent of...


   "Oh, no you don't,"   Whiplash said, suddenly flying much higher.  "Ah!"  Whip yelped.  "I'd prefer to NOT have to explain why you have Snaptrapper slobber all over you when we get home?"  He said.  "Oh, right."  Whip chuckled.  "Sorry!"  "They were just arguing anyways,"  Whiplash said.  "I wonder why they came all the way out here when there are so many better places still inside the Archipeligo."

   Whip shrugged.  "Maybe Aphira would know."  He said sadly.  "Maybe she would, but she's not here right now,"  Whiplash said.  Whip sighed.  "I know..."  "Come on, let's get back.  Maybe a book will cheer you up?"  Whiplash said.  "Eh, I don't know...maybe?"  Whip said.  "Yeah, see, that's the spirit.  Come on."  Whiplash flew back toward the huts.

   Whip sighed, thinking.  What if...well, if Aphira didn't want to join them...what if Whip joined her?

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