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I woke up with Maryiln Manson: this is new shit playing I smiled and got up I realised that I was still in my dress and i nearly screamed because i thourght it was a dream!! I got changed into a pair of jogging bottoms and a jumper.
I put my hair in a messy bun and walked out my room and down stairs. I walked to the cupboard and got a glass then walked to the sink and got some water. I chugged that and rubbed my eyes trying to remember the whole of last night. Someone coughed behind me and I jumped and spun around. I looked at Ben and ran to his outstretched arms I gave him a huge hug and I kept whispering 'I'm so sorry' 'I don't know what came over me' 'please forgive me' 'what's does blade and andy think of me now?!'
By the time i was finished speaking I was crying and Ben had picked me up in his arms and was carrying me to the sofa, he put me down and said I'm gonna make u some breakfast, okay??
Okay thank u.

He walked out the room and into the kitchen i heard the cubborads open and shut and i wondered what he was making. i turned around to face the wall and starred at it and started thinking ' what if andy and blade hate me now that they know what i used to do and that they've seen it for themselfs' 'I wonder if they will ever speak to me again?? 'I wonder where they are.' 

Darcy?? A deep voice said i closed my eyes and hoped it was ben or fred because i didnt want to deal with the questions. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times because i closed them to tightly and everything was spinning. Once everything stopped spinning i looked away. Guess who it was Andy Freaking Biersack. I pulled a wierd face and laughed at myself then relised that andy was still sitting next to me. My eyes widened and i glanced at Andy quickly but caught him starring at me pulling a serious face. I bit my lip trying not to laugh i looked into Andys blue eyes and had to bit my lip even harder because he was actrully serious. I couldnt hold it in anymore and i burst into laughter i was laughing so hard and i couldnt even remember what for. I was rollinng on he floor when i heard someone start laughing so that made me laugh more i looked up and heard andy chuckling i couldnt help it but all i could do was laugh it wasnt even that funny. I heard someone else start laughing and i loooked up with watering eyes and blinked them away but they slid down my face i whipped them away and saw it was Fred who was laughing and Ben had the most serious face on that i got up and walked over to him and hugged him, i looked him in the eyes and whispered 'why so serious' but regreted it. He looked at me not saying anything just starring at me and then BOOM! he starts shouting he pushed me of him making me fall on the floor but i didnt, i fell on top of the glass table and he pushed me so hard that it shattered underneath me and i felt something cutting into my head and my side was stinging. I opened my eyes and saw that andy and fred were next to me while Ben was on the phone. I slowly got up the pain in my side and head getting worse, everything started spinning i reached up to my head and touched where it hurt i brang my hand back down and looked at the cruisum liquid on my fingers i looked at it wide eyes and looked around everything was still spinning so started to lay down but there was a shotting pain coming from my leg i screamed out in agony and looked at my leg and there was a massive piece of glass in my leg i reached down and went to take it out when there was a hand on mine i looked at the hand and the black nails i looked up  the arm and then the face of my best friend i frowned and then things went black... 

The black roses~ black veil brides fanficWhere stories live. Discover now