This is how andy biersack looks atm in this story

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(Ik andy doesn't look like this anymore but this fits this story ATM and His style does change through out the book) (oh and andy look so damn hot either way I love all of this looks just saying) now on ward with the story!!

This has some self harm in so you don't have to read that part the important bit is near the end. And I have to thank Gothicitus so much she really has helped me if it wasn't for her I wouldn't of had this chapter up. So if your not reading any of her books you should there bloody amazing I'm hocked on them! And again thank you so much Gothicitus xx

My stupid Alarm clock woke me up by alarm clock I mean blade. He is the most annoying alarm clock anybody can have. If you aren't up by 10:30 he's in your mom scream lyrics to a song he's addicted to which at the moment it's match into water by pierce the veil. I love the songs he sings it just that it's to god damn early !
After about 10 minutes of him screaming the lyrics and bouncing on my bed he finally walks out but suddenly there freezing cold water all over me and my bed ! I scream and sit up right in my bed with my pjs socked and my hair flat. Me being me didn't give a flying fuck about my hair or clothes or even my mattress. I cared about the fact he woke up by pouring freezing cold flaming water on me.
I gave him the deathly glare. Then suddenly had a blank expression on my face then I suddenly whispered you have 5 seconds to run. He was out the door before I even finished my sentence. After 5 seconds I lunched out of my bed and looked into all the rooms I suddenly heard someone curse very loudly down stairs I ran down the stairs but half way down then I slipped and nearly feel down then I landed on the last step and started laughing at the sight in front of me blade had a pan in on hand and a spatchla in the other. I couldn't stop laughing it was so funny. I took a step towards him and he said don't take Another step.
'What you gonna do fry me??' We both laughed at my lame joke. I took a step forward but instantly regretted it blade had me pinned to the floor while he was tiggling me. I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe properly and my lungs felt they couldn't handle it anymore. I shout I surrender please stop tiggling me or I'm gonna pee myself! After about a minute later after he took in my words he stopped he got of me and helped me up.
'Go get my wet sheets of my bed please while I take a shower?'
'Aha wet huh??'
'Oh shut it you, your so dirty'
' actrully I'm clean I shower everyday and our house is very tidy'
'Toćhe' I went upstairs but came to a sudden hult 'did you just say our house??
'Yeah it's our house now you and me live here and I'm not asking I'm telling'
I laughed but said okay I'm gonna take a shower.
Okay I'll get your sheets and put them in the wash.
Okay thank you. I went into my room and got my clothes and towel my towel conciderers of the batman logo with black and purple outlining. My clothes are some green jeans and a pierce the veil top and some batman fluffy socks. I went into the shower and done my business. I washed my hair and body. It was hard to shave though because even time I went and cleaned the blade in the water i looked at it and I couldn't help but bring it down to my hips and slice a cuts up and down, side to side on my stomache and hips I kept doing more and more my heart telling me to stop but my conscience telling me to carry on. I finally stopped and I looked at the water I gasped when I saw. The water a faint shade of red it was more like a light pink. I got out and dried my body being very careful when it come to my stomach and hips. I put on my underwear and being careful not to bend down to much I put my socks on and got my pierce the veil top on. It was long enough it went to my mid thigh I couldn't wear my jeans so I just walked out of the bathroom And into my room blade was in there take in god the sheets I laughed because he still hasn't done it I went to my closet and bent down really fast causing me to shriek blade came over to me and helped me up I quickly grabbed my leggings on the way up and he set me on my bed I started breathing heavily and I couldn't stop the tears falling down my face blade sat there rubbing my back and wet hair and every once and a while he removed the tears falling from my eyes. After about 15 minutes of me crying I whipped the tears away from my face and looked up at blade he was looking down at my leg with a eyebrow raised I looked down at it and you could see scars and there was blood all down my legs I gasped and held onto my stomach hopping that you couldn't see the blood I pressed my tee to my stomach but instantly regretted it I forgot I had a white tee shirt on I closed my eyes but opened them when I heard my closet door open I looked up and saw blade getting me a black really baggy top I sighed because he's gonna wanna see them, and As if he read my thoughts he said let me see please.
I sighed again but told him to give me the top he gave it to me and I toon of the top I had on and I know blade was in the room and I honestly didn't care he was like my brother he wanted to protect me and I know this because he told me last night. I looked down when I felt hands on my stomach I flinched when he can in contact with a big line that goes from my hip across my stomach to the other hip there's about 2 more like this and the others are ones not as big and deep as them. He picked my up bridal style being very careful not to hurt me and layed me Down in the bath tub i watched as he cleaned all the cuts up he picked me back up and put me in the bed again he put a very big Attila top with said 666 party with the devil bitch. And some shorts. He then sat in my bed and kissed my forehead and said I love you don't ever forget that I'm always gonna be here for you through thick and thin your like my sister you can tell me anything. And when your ready you can tell me why you did this even though I can probably guess.
And with that said he started to walk out he was at my bedroom door when he said I'm gonna go to the store and get some Ben and jerrys ice cream and chocolate and crisps. I'll be back soon you should get some rest.
2 hours later.....
Me and blade where watching the vampire dairies season one episode 6 we are hocked on it! We've got 15 more minutes of episode 7 when the phone rings blade groans and gets up to get it.
"Hello?" "Yall should hide. Got a bunch of emos comin round like Jehovah's Whitness" just as Blade hangs up he phone, there's a knock at the door.Blade goes to answer the door and I stay in the living room. A few minutes later, Black Veil Brides walks in along with Ben and Fred. "Why did you run?" Fred looks hurt. "I can't tell him! He'd be crushed!" "Tell who what?" Andy asks. "Nothing." I say too quickly. "It's obviously something or you wouldn't have run away from home. Have your parents done something?" "No Andy. They're fine." I say past the lump in my throat. "Didn't you say your dad died on your birthday?" "BLADE! SHUT UP!" "WHAT?! You mean your dad is...gone?" "Yes Andy. He's gone. And so is mom. I couldn't tell you because I knew you loved them as your own parents." "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" "Because you stopped talking to me. I couldn't contact you. And as I said, it would've hurt you." "I'm sorry for all of that. It must be hard losing someone so close. I was close to them as it was, I can't imagine what you're going through." I can't speak anymore. The knot in my throat is too big. I let out a silent choke of a cry and next thing I know, I'm enveloped in a group hug. When they all pull back, Andy grabs my hand. He takes out a pen and I laugh as he writes. "Andy! That tickles!" "Well sorry! What else was I supposed to do? I'm not gonna sign your boobs!" "I didn't ask you to." I say, slightly creeped out. I pull my hand back and I read what he scrawled. In his familiar, messy handwriting, is a cell phone number. "Call me tonight. I have to be going but I need to talk to you." I nod and walk back to the kitchen in search of the ice cream me and blade half ate during episode 4 of the vampire dairies. I went back into the living room when I see Ben and Fred standing there giving blade a death glare!
What the hell? Stop giving blade a death glare what did he do?!
Darcy you don't remember HIM?!!

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