Episode 7

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My new mission and one I don't know how long it's gonna take? Being Tanya's bodyguard? How can I concentrate when she hear everything that's going through my mind? I have to keep my mind empty all the time but around that girl it's pretty hard. She keeps putting me in thoughts with all the weird things she does. I can't be myself around that girl...

Normally I can hide my thoughts and feelings from people. I'm already used to living like this, normally feeling almost emotionless at all. But why do I keep feeling the feelings I've rarely felt in my life around that girl more intensely? And why is it so hard to suppress those feelings, especially when she's around me? Why is she so complicated? I'm starting to regret bringing her here in chains.. For leaving me in the middle of all this mess..

I need to clear my mind around that girl, but it's pretty hard right now. Why? We're in the fire room, and she's been crying for hours for some reason I don't know why. It's hard, even for me, to be unresponsive. And I saw tears coming out of her eye once more. In that moment I couldn't take it anymore so I wanted asked her to wipe away the tears and stop crying. But I went against my will and kept looking at her.

Feeling my gaze, Tanya finally turned her eyes to me..

Why am I crying?Tanya says.

Did she hear my thoughts again? I thought, in a panic.

And this time she said no. People normally ask why she cries, Tanya said.

It must be so.. But normally I don't ask anyone because I didn't think I'd care.

Hearing his thinking, Tanya said, " so do you care now?"says. And Yangcha gathers himself in a moment of surprise. "Frankly, I find it very disturbing that you've been sitting here crying for hours. I don't think I can take this anymore.. So, tell me.. Why are you crying?"says Yangcha.

Everyone usually cries when they're upset or feel someone else's pain. But I think you also cry when you're filled with determination. Tanya replies by saying she found out about it today.

And that makes Yangcha look carefully at Tanya. Are you crying out for determination in? he says with astonishment.

Yangcha's astonishment manages to make Tanya smile. And she turns to him and says, " I'm really crazy, aren't I? I know it's what you think."says Tanya.

And Yangcha looks stunned at Tanya. "How do you always catch me off guard? Despite all the effort I've put into not thinking about anything."he says with his thoughts.

And Tanya laughs, unable to hold herself any longer. Yangcha blinks to the sudden laughter and says, " what's so funny? You were crying until 2 minutes ago?"he says with great surprise.

That's the first laugh I've had since I drifted into arthdal, Tanya says, looking straight into Yangcha's eyes. And that would surprise Yangcha even more.

I never thought anyone who dragged me here in chains would make me laugh like that.. she says, and another tear drops out of her eye again. Unable to control himself any more, Yangcha quickly steps to Tanya's seat and kneels in front of her. Although Tanya is surprised by this unexpected move, she waits, wondering what to do.

Removing the glove in his hand, Yangcha puts his hand on Tanya's cheek and gently wipes away the flowing tears. Tanya feels her heart beating faster with this move of Yangcha. And she looks at him with asking eyes.

Yangcha answers by saying that I don't want to see you cry anymore. And I want to know how I made you laugh? Yangcha says if it makes you smile more, I can keep it up. And suddenly, realizing what he's saying, he feels his heart rate go up.

It's really funny how you get stumped every time I hear your thoughts. Because of your punishment, you can't communicate with anyone and you can only be a listener. In fact, even if you have your own thoughts, no one can hear it. You're very good at keeping your thoughts inside yourself and hiding them from people. But apparently you can't escape my radar? says Tanya with a statement that says she's having fun. Yangcha looks quietly into Tanya's eyes.

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