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I awaken in a similar position I fell asleep in, only Soran is on his back with me resting atop him. Even after last night, I can't beat back a blush. One of Soran's arms remains around my waist, the other is on my shoulder blade. His fingers twitch in his sleep, nose wiggles cutely then he calms.

Shit, am I being a creep by laying here watching him sleep? I don't want to wake him though. I don't know what time it is. My eyes are crusted over with sleep. The construction crew must already be here though, there's chatter outside accompanied by the sound of hammers nearby. Light slips through the curtains.

I'll wait a bit longer.

Resting my head on Soran's chest, I hear the slow rhythm of his heart. Tales always said vampires didn't have one, a heartbeat, but I certainly hear the soft thumping. However, I do think it's a tad slower than my own. His skin is colder too, paler, but there's warmth. His skin breaks out in goosebumps when my fingertips graze over his arm. He shivers when I press a kiss to his neck, all the normal reactions of a perfectly normal person.

Closing my eyes, I wait patiently for Soran to awaken, but then I get restless. He has yet to show any signs of getting up. I've heard others in the hall. If anyone has knocked then it was before I woke up. I really have to go to the bathroom and my stomach is ready to devour my innards if I don't get some damn food.

I try to squirm out of Soran's grasp. Thankfully his grip is loose because he must be completely out. He barely stirs when I sit up, really only pulling the blankets closer since, even unconscious, he can tell that it's colder. I pull the blankets up to his shoulders and he finally moves, but only to roll onto his side towards me. I comb my fingers through his hair, placing another kiss to his temple. He smiles in his sleep.

My stomach growling reminds me why I left Soran's embrace in the first place. Wonder if there's breakfast left? I'm starving! Thinking about it, I had that soup yesterday and that was it. My stomach practically kicks me with the next growl.

I use the bathroom first then head to leave. At the door, I hesitate when realization hits me. What do I say to my friends, my co-workers? Damn, didn't really think about that. If they are at least suspecting of my relationship with Soran then they will definitely know it today seeing as I did kind of...sleep in his bed with him. Should I lie and say I slept on the couch? Does it even matter?

Ok, ok, we'll have to figure that out later. For now, food.

The main hall is relatively fine, some missing pictures and scuffed up rugs, but doors to guest bedrooms are open revealing missing windows, tattered curtains, signs of the struggle. Everyone must be busy attempting to clean what they can or helping to discover what needs removed and replaced. I can't believe I slept in when we have so much to do!

On the way to the kitchens, I spot Elamir walking with a basket of ruined curtains and know immediately that things are different. I smile at her. She smiles back, but it's almost hesitant, like she isn't certain if she can. She gives a sort of half bow and says, "Good morning."


"How...are you feeling?" she nervously asks. She looks about the hall as if searching for an escape. Understandable, I want to escape too.

"Better after a good night's sleep-" ah, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned sleeping because Elamir's eyes darted behind me to Soran's bedroom. She nods so I'm quick to ask, "Uh, is there any breakfast left?"

"No, but there's lunch." She suddenly bites her lip when asking, "Uh, I'm sorry, I can go get you some?"

"No, no, no," I quickly reply, realizing that Elamir really is confused. I guess I can't blame her. Right now, she doesn't see me as Wallie, her friend and co-worker, but Wallie, the guy that is involved with her very rich and very powerful and very immortal vampire boss.

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