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Wallie P.O.V.

I feel no more prepared waking the following morning; the nerves are as strong as hours prior. Hael is already awake, dressing himself for the day with his back to me. He's unaware of the turmoil currently consuming me. The lights are too bright, footsteps too loud and breaths too shallow. I'm nervous and excited all at once, unsure which I feel more. When my feet touch the floor, my toes curl into the carpet. Reaching under my pillow, I trace over the keys given to me last night. The keys that led to more answers yet somehow even more questions.

So...what now? What am I meant to say? Does Soran even expect me to say anything? And how does he hope I will react based on what I saw? Something tells me he's hoping I'll back off. Even if he's bothered, it's likely safe to assume that he's hoping I'll go and save us both the trouble (although arguably there will be trouble either way, but I digress.)

I watch the door for any sign of movement. There are others passing by, their shadows moving beneath the doorway, but none knock. I'm waiting for Layne or Higra to step in and inform me that I'll be attending to Soran today, but that never happens.

"Better get dressed, Wallie, or you'll be late," says Hael when opening the door.

"Yeah, I'll be right out."

I force a smile until Hael leaves, shutting the door behind him. Once gone, I swiftly change and stash the keys in my pocket. Uncertainty follows me to the lounge where I find no changes to my duties. I'm not sure what I expected; maybe sit in Soran's office all day? Or even a single meeting somewhere? But there's nothing.

Admittedly, I'm a little disappointed but also worried.

Do I go to Soran to talk? Should I wait until he comes to me? I suppose I should see him soon seeing as I have the keys still. Something tells me he doesn't plan to speak about last night though. If he wanted to, I'd be on my way to get his morning tea rather than poking at my breakfast then heading outside to sweep off the sidewalks.

Even while working, I can't stop thinking about the secrets of the locked room. Josette and Annalee were their names, right? What of the other three? I wish to know who they are and why I haven't heard of them. The Makai family history doesn't help seeing as it states the Makai family is dead, save for Soran, of course. But the boy in the painting had a sword with the Makai family crest. Soran wouldn't give him that if he wasn't a Makai, would he? Perhaps I can ask, he may actually answer now that I know of their existence.

But it seems I am not going to be capable of doing that just yet seeing as, when I get back inside, I find Layne preparing with Hael to head into town. Seeing as Layne is normally with Soran at this hour, I use this as an opportunity to poke around a bit.

"Heading into town, Layne?" I ask, smiling when he faces at me.

"Yes. There are a few things we need to pick up for the kitchen."

"What about His Grace?"

"Lord Makai is out. He likely won't be back until this afternoon."

"Out? On his own?"

Soran never goes on his own, nor so suddenly. There are always plans to head out, in which case he takes Layne, and from time to time me.

"He had urgent business to attend to. Why? Did you need to speak with him?" Layne asks, but I don't get how he doesn't find this situation odd. He, out of everyone, must know how weird it is for Soran to leave on his own. Then again, there's a chance he may know why but isn't telling me.

"Ah, no," I lie. "I was just surprised to hear he left without all of us knowing."

"I see, well then, if he returns before I do then please attend to him in my absence." Layne smiles then heads out with Hael right behind.

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