Chapter 35

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 One of Oengus's hands was balled into a tight fist, holding Troy's heart in an invisible grasp, preventing him from having a heart attack. His other hand was holding Troy's body with his powers up in the air. Impassively, I made a circle around Troy and stopped by Grace. She fainted and was lying unconscious on the floor. My eyes scanned the hall for possible surveillance cameras, and when I spotted two, I raised my hand and mentally smashed them in my fist, watching as the actual surveillance cameras burst into pieces.

"Wh o are y u," Troy croaked.

Hearing his voice made me spun around and focus my gaze on Troy's back. My nose drew deeply in the air in the room, and I froze. There was a faint metallic scent lingering around Troy. I stepped closer and took another deep inhale. The smell was metallic, but it wasn't like anything I smelled before. The smell of metal was rusty, old and almost sickening.

"Who we are isn't as important as the answers that you're going to give us," Oengus purred. I stole a look at him, amused at his apparent interest in my business, and went back to figuring out my suspicions about the scent.

"Do you feel it?" I asked Oengus. Sure he was more informed about the existence of such things as the demonic scent. If I could feel it, he could too.

He followed my example and took a deep breath in. As the metallic scent reached his nostrils, his pupils dilated, spreading blackness all over his irises, then it shifted abruptly becoming yellow slits, until they returned to its natural dark brown color. Fascinated, I blinked and cocked my head to one side anticipating the answer, and at the same time wondering if I could do the same. After all, I had some of his blood running through my veins.

"He is carrying an agent," Oengus said.

"What's agent?" I asked curiously.

"Incubus that soaks into a human soul and guides it. Like a little voice in the back of your head. In his case, it's an agent who reports to its master."

"Who is the master?"

"And that's a good question," he replied smirking.

The steps from the stairs interrupted our little discussion, and both of our heads snapped up in the direction of the noise. Swiftly, Oengus lowered Troy to the floor but didn't let go of him, keeping him the prisoner of his powers. In a few seconds, the steps reached the bottom, and Spencer emerged from around the corner. At first, he didn't see us standing, staring at him, and continued walking until Grace got to his line of vision. He noticed her and looked up frowning. His eyes in took the scene in front of him, and he gasped.

"Right," Oengus muttered clicking his tongue.

"What's going on?" Spencer asked, walking closer to Grace. He dropped his backpack on the floor and sat down onto his heels next to Grace, and started checking her pulse.

"She is alive. Just fainted," I commented.

"What happened?" He moved her a little, rolling her onto her back.

"Nothing. She's just fainted." I repeated. I didn't need to look at Oengus to know that he has rolled his eyes at my answer. For some reasons, that was exactly what I imagined him doing.

"Shell I call an ambulance?" Spencer glanced warily at me.

"No need. She'll be okay. We don't have time for that." I caught more shuffle that was coming from the staircase, and my eyes darted to Oengus. Our gazes were connected. Something flashed in his stare, but the meaning of it I understood, and we curtly nodded to each other simultaneously. "Pick her up, Spence. We need to leave," the words left my mouth fluently, and I turned to look at him. Spencer's frown deepened and he glanced between Troy and Grace, obviously not seeing the connection between the two of them. Neither did I, but that's why we needed to leave to find it out.

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