Chapter 14

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"An Error," Ruth pronounced sitting on a bench in a deserted part of Central Park somewhere behind the bridge. "You are an error, Stacy."

After walking here for nearly an hour, I didn't have juices left to get extremely curious or shocked. I just shook my head confused. "What do you mean, I'm an error," I asked calmly in a weak voice.

"That's exactly what I mean. An error." She shrugged her shoulders and pulled a cigarette out of the pocket of her baggy trench coat.

"Please, explain," I pleaded watching her lighting the cigarette. She made a long pull and puffed out a stream of smoke that started slowly dissolving into the air.

"There's nothing to explain. It's very simple actually. You were supposed to die, and you didn't die on time. You are an error." She made another pull and let out the cigarette smoke with her nose.

I still couldn't master this error business and what it had to do with my supposed death.

Ruth clicked her tongue and started speaking. "Life consists of choices, Stacy Ann. It's like a game of chess, but unlike in the game you make decisions that take you to a particular outcome, that depend on your choice. You pull a red string instead of grin or blue, it brings you to a yellow one. You pick grin - it takes you to purple. You pull - blue, and it takes you to - black. But in the end, it's always white of black. Despite such a colorful life pattern, it always comes to White or Black. Good and Evil. Up or Down. The only thing you don't know is that HELL, is here on earth," she pointed her finger at me narrowing her eyes. "You really want to understand, don't you, Stacy Ann?"

I nodded faintly processing her words.

"Let's presume I'll tell you everything. What good would it bring to you?"

I inhaled deeply feeling confused. This woman was going around the subject, not really giving me much to work with. Error, choices, hell.

"Do you know who the fallen angels are?" she suddenly asked.

I glanced up and nervously rubbed my forehead. "No," I replied softly. "I don't know anything about anything. I don't even know how I got to the point when I'm having this conversation."

She dismissed my comment and started talking again. "The fallen angels are the angels who wanted to be like humans and left Eden. The other realm. Heaven. The most beautiful place in the entire universe. A happy place. But, there's always a catch. Do you know what the catch is?" she started giggling like crazy. "They need us."

She finished her cigarette and pulled another one. "They need us no survive here." She stood up abruptly. "Nobody wants them home. They can't leave earth. They are forever banned from returning home. God doesn't give free passes." She said and started walking away.

"Wait!" I called her. "What about an error? What about life choices? You can't just drop it all on me and walk away!"

Ruth stopped and spun around. "The better choices you make, the better chances you get to go back home. But, you've stuck, Stacy Ann. No matter how good or bad you are. You have this much time here to prove yourself. And when your time is over, you go into this special place to learn and after a period of time of time, you come back. You, Stacy Ann. Should have died two days ago. You're an Error."

After saying that Ruth left. I watched her retrieving figure until she vanished from the view. My mind was still blank. No thoughts, no guesses, no sudden epiphany. It was as if she hadn't spoken. The words she said didn't mean anything. At least, not to me. Not yet.

I stood there for quite a long time, still staring into the empty park alley. Even if I wanted to move, I couldn't. Unfortunately, it doesn't work the way I would want when it comes to complications and odd happenings. I couldn't just dismiss everything blaming somebody from the government on the way my life has turned. Or pretend that it never happened like I used to pretend, thinking that if I stay silent and oblivious, the things will go away...eventually. Lies lies, lies, and lies. Nothing went away. On the contrary. Things only got worse. A lot worse.     

Hi, guys! I know this chapter is a shorty! Forgive me for that! I didn't want to stuff it, it's already complicated.

This is the main chapter for Stacy. I mean, for her to understand that she has to deal with.  :)  The next one will be here as scheduled.  And of course.... more things to come! I wish you to have a great weekend! Love y'all

Lina :) xx 

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