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Hello everyone and welcome to this fanfiction. It'll be from Clary's point of view and starts 18 years after Valentine and Jocelyn escaped from Alicante. Jonathan and Clary live and train together and they have a very special connection. But neither she or her brother ever learned of the things their father did. He trained them all their life and Jocelyn never said a word about the past.

I hope you'll enjoy my fanfiction. It's Clace pairing mainly, butI'll try to give you some Malec as well.



My feet met the ground with a graceful pirouette and the blade struck his hip. The hit couldn't have been more precise. Jonathan started to stumble and took an uncertain step back. I couldn't help grinning. However, the next thing I knew, he was already up and about to start his attack.

I heard a fierce hiss escaping his mouth and looked up at him perplexed. His dark eyes flashed out of anger. Did I hurt him? The moment he noticed my stare he drew his sword and wielded it down on me at full power. At the last moment I ducked leftwards and parried him off. It took all my strength to withstand the weight of his blade. What was he thinking? He knew that he wasn't allowed to attack with full strength! He'd never broken the rules our father gave us, and we've been training together for more than ten years after all.

"Jonathan, what's going on?" I looked at him, confused by this behavior. To make him stop I rose my hand at the height of my chest while I quit my defense.

Fresh air blew through my hair. The forest around us had turned unusually quiet. The only sound was the air rustling through the trees. Even without the snow covering every inch of the meadow one could have guessed the season. All animals were gone, not even the birds had remained. This year winter would become very cold.

A second later I lied on the icecold ground. There was a piercing pain in my shoulder. In a painful movement I lifted my head up. My eyes met Jonathan's who stood above me and seemed to study my every move. His eyes were so dark, much darker than usually. It must be due to the cold, I thought while shivering.

Suddenly I realized he was the reason I was laying on the ground. "Jonathan, damn it, stop it!" I furiously tried to sit up, but Jonathan interrupted me by digging his heavy shoe in my ribs. A pained gasp escaped my mouth as I heard a bone crack inside my chest. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my blood and a second later I rose up and flung him on the ground with me.

"Stop it right now." My voice was loud and grave, I felt as if there was no other way to make him understand the meaning behind the words. Jonathan laid beneath me, and I pushed his arms in the snow. I could see my raging reflection in his eyes.

He was stuck for an answer. He didn't seem to care. Instead, he squeezed his fingernails into my forearm and started the attempt to wrestle me down. He turned his body, and I went down with him. The only thing I saw was his bright hair, it seemed brighter than the snow around us. Again, I felt the ground in my back and let out an irritated sigh. Jonathan's unchecked anger seemed to persuade his behavior more and more. He showed his teeth and pushed his left arm on my chest while his other hand went back to his belt.

Stunned, I tried to loosen the pressure of his arm but the more I moved the more my ribs hurt. "Let me go", I exclaimed and spit in his face. By the angel, what was wrong with him?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw his hand break away from his belt. A second later he hit me in the face, his fingernails scratching my skin. Then he drew a golden dagger and my body stiffened under his weight. Wide-eyed I tried to explain myself how the situation had run out of control that bad. There was no time to react when he let the Kindjal down, faster than I've ever seen him move before.

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