Chapter 3

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I'm bored so I'm gonna write another chapter. Comment what you think of the story.

Pic of Tiffany on the side or top

Chapter 3

Tyler's P.O.V

I stare blank at my dad while I'm frozen. I'm not ready to become a werewolf. I mean its kinda cool but in the end its just another thing to worry about.

"Are you okay son?" Kyles dad asked me. I hear my dad growl.

"He's not your son Richard." My dad growls again. I'm sick of this shit seriously. Their grown men!

"I was just-" I cut Richard off.

"You guys are grown men? PSH I don't think so from the way your acting. Why do you hate each other?" I say so softly a baby would probably be scared.

"Well when we were younger Richard bullied me." My dad sighs. That little fucking piece of shit! I glare at Richard.

"YOU FUCKING-" Kyle covers my mouth while chuckling nervously. I try struggling free but heat fills my body. Kyle drops me because I'm burning. My mom runs over to me while trying to calm me down.

'Honey calm down your just shifting." My mom tries to calm me. I start groaning in pain.

"Stay calm? CALM?" I yell. "Yea right." I scoff while grinding my teeth together. I can't take it anymore! It hurts so much.

"Relax and let your wolf out Tyler." I hear my dad say. I can't. I just cant. I feel kyle grab my hand and I instantly relax. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe. I then fall asleep.


When I wake up I look around wondering where I am. I look over at the floor and my family along with kyle and Richard are there. My dad and Richard are cuddled up like a couple. Only if I had my phone. I then realize I'm on the couch. I try talking but a bark comes out. Okay…Da hell?

Everyone starts moving around and opens their eyes. My sister looks at me.

"Awwww look who's up." She cooed. I glare at her. I look over at kyle and Richard. Kyle looked proud and his eyes held…love? I mean right its to early for love.



"Just think about everyone and talk inside your head." Kyle says while I nod.

"I'm gonna kill you will my bare hands tiffany I swear to god I will." Everyone snickers. "And guess who was cuddling?  Everyone raises an eyebrow. "Richard and my dad. I stand up on my paws and run in a circle singing

Richard and daddy richard and daddy richard and daddy I hear my dad growl but I don't stop.

"Son stop it right now! Its not funny it happens." I stop and look at him and pout. I sit down making a big thump noise. He turns his head away and I smirk. I bark to catch his attention and give him puppy dogs eyes. He looks at me and hugs me. I purr its just so comfty.

"It happens when your forgiving someone or that someone is your mate." He sighs. "Your wolf wants to cuddle for some odd reason." I nod. Sounds right I guess.



Gah why do I keep doing that. Anyway how do I change back.
Can someone get me clothes and tell me how to change back? I ask. Richard gets up to get clothes while my mom explains how to change back. Richard comes down the stairs with my clothes. I take them and go in the bathroom.

When I'm done changing I look in the mirror and freeze. Is that even me? My hair looks so soft you could just run your fingers threw it. I'm way more fit. My eyes are still my dark blue but with green and gold flecks in them but behind all that color is black. I look a little taller like more of a 6'0 now.

I put my hoodie up and walk out. My mom sees me and does a double take. She screams and picks up her purse while hitting me. What the hell?! I run into the living room trying to get away.

"Mom stop hitting me with your purse Jesus women what is in there?" I ask but something in my voice catches me. Its deeper. I mean I hit pubirty already so idk. My dad looks at me weirdly.

"Who are you?" My eyes widen. What the hell?

"For the love of gos its me YOUR son." I yell. He does a double take and shakes his head.

"Your not my son." I gasp. But then realize my hoddies on. Lovely. I quickly take my hoodie off and my dad makes an o with his mouth.

"Sorry it's just your voice, height, your more fit." He says while I scoff. I hit him in the head. He winces while rubbing it.

"So very rude to talk about your son like that."

"Well good family's back together. But down to business." Richard says. I look up at him and wonder where kyle is. I run up stairs to my bedroom but hear moaning. I open my door and wish I didn't.

Kyle has a picture of me in his hand while he jerks off moaning my name. He quickly looks up and freezes. I smirk.

"Having fun kyle?" I question making my voice husky and raise an eyebrow. He groans and comes over to me and kisses me hard. He shuts the door with his leg and pushes me against the door. He thrust his know what area onto my covered one. I moan and he grunts hearing me. I start getting all hot and bothered. He stops and looks at me.

"Shit! Look I know your horny but baby, your in heat. So we need to stop." I suddenly can't keep my hands off him somehow. He growls and throws me on the bed tiring me up. I growl trying to get free that bastard. He finishes jerking off and while he reaches his peak he looks at me dead in the eye and cums screaming my name. I then cum in my pants while he leaves me in my bedroom. I start screaming for him.



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Love, hannah

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