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"Well, is it dark enough? 
Can you see me?
 Do you want me? 
Can you reach me?
 Hold your breath
, kiss me now, you'll catch your death" - anonymous

Louis would rather have both of his eyes gouged out and his dominate arm cut off than go to that dreadful wedding. Louis squirmed. "Louis!" His mother scolded. "Hold still! You're almost done." His shoulders slumped in defeat. He stood still even though he was irritated and rather impatient.

"Do I have to go?" He said in a whiny voice. "There's still time to think this through." He said hopefully, a spark of hope in his ocean blue eyes. "You aren't thinking properly, mother." He grumbled.

His mother narrowed her eyes at him as if to tell him: don't fight me on this. That spark of hope vanished. He puffed out his cheeks. Persephone smiled softly at him while shaking her head. "Done!" She stated proudly. She dusted off his front with her hands even though it was already coated with non-dust. "I'll see you soon." She said kissing him lightly on his forehead. He just nodded solemnly. His bright blue eyes now looked a dull gray.

I don't want to go. He thought furiously. I don't want to see her and him together. But why do I care so much? He asked himself. "I shouldn't care who she is or who she gets married to. It's not my choice but hers." He said bitterly. His parents called him out of the room since it was time to go. He grunted and exited his room.

Hades stood next to his wife with a tiny smile. "You clean up well, son." He complimented his son, who just nodded his head stiffly.

"You too, father." Louis said. He glanced at his mother who sent him a nod of approval. He hasn't forgotten about his mother; who could ever forget about her? She was entirely beautiful and her long black dress stood out much as she.

Persephone smiled at the both of them before declaring that they would be late. Although in all honestly they had the time of infinity to get there. Time just didn't seem to exist. And Louis knew that.

As they left their mansion Louis had seen something he thought was an hallucination. There was a rose. Not just any rose, either. The color seemed to drown out the souls gurgles and Louis found himself in a daze. He started towards it. The only sign of life and color in his dull black and white world he called home. This was a sign.


Zariah sat helplessly on the marble bench in the gazebo. After trying her hardest to find Zayn he just simply disappeared. There was chatter all around her even though she was alone in the large gazebo. No one really seemed to bother in a place like this. Even though it was such a magnificent place to stay and isolate yourself from people. The roses of white and red and pink made her hum in appreciation of their beauty.

Even if she didn't want to be present for the Engagement Ball she still wishes Zayn were here with her at least, so she didn't feel utterly alone more than she already was. Besides Iris, of course. Speaking of her feathered friend, Zariah heard her lovely coo and the bird was perched on the side of a bench arm. Zariah smiled fondly at her.

"Hey." The voice startled her and Zariah jumped in her spot and her hand smacked against her lips to protect a squeal of terror. Zariah's eyes were wide and her face consisted of puzzlement. It was Louis. Son of Hades. He's here! Zariah was honestly shocked he came. He must have been forced to, she thought to herself. There was no way Louis would willingly come on his own.

"H-hi." She sputtered out. Silently cursing herself she gently moved over so there would be more room on the bench. Louis took the hint and hesitantly walked over to her and sat down. Zariah tried her best not to stare but how could possibly resist such a temptation like this fine man seated right next to her? He wore an all black dress shirt with no jacket, black dress pants and shoes. His eyes were a dark blue and his hair was messed up perfectly. "You-You came." She said calmly, well, she tried to stay as calm as she could.

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