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"And perhaps the very fact the moon could never have the sun was the reason that she loved him so." - o.h.

The way the flowers sway when the wind picks up causes a smile to break out on her pink, full lips. Zariah would watch from a far distance as the discus players run through the field, tossing the frisbee to their teammates. Zariah notices one in particular stand out - a somewhat tall, young male with messy chestnut hair and bright blue eyes. She stares at him for a split second, before her gaze returned back down to the hybrid colored blue rose between her fingers. The hybrid colors were courtesy of Demeter - she seemed to know which ones Zariah liked the most. She gently plucked the blue rose from its stem and neatly tucked it in her hair, just above her ear. She sits in silence on the grass, her dirty blond hair flowing in the light breeze as she watches the discus players get down and dirty, roughhousing with each other. But her silence was cut short when another figure that came from the Olympus School yard took a seat on the grass just beside her. Zayn.

"There you are my lovely." He smiled. "Took me a while to find you."

She simply smiled. She wasn't that fond of Zayn. I mean, how could she be? He was so Narcissistic - of course, because he is the son of Narcissus. Zariah turned to face him because she didn't want to be rude - she also liked to admire his beautiful features. As much as she wasn't fond of him, she did recognize the fact that he was insanely handsome with his raven black hair, chocolatey brown eyes, and that perfect jawline. He happened to be the most beautiful God in school, all the goddesses flocked to him, but he only flocked to her. She really didn't see why. She was the daughter of Aphrodite, but wasn't nearly as pretty as the young man right next to her. It didn't make any sense at all. She was all light freckles, blue eyes, and dirty blond hair. That was it. Nothing special that you would think the daughter of Aphrodite would have.

"You didn't have to look." She replied softly.

"But I wanted to of course. I had to find my beauty." He mused. He tucked a strand of her dirty blond hair that had fallen astray behind her ear.

"Zayn stop." She whispered. He frowned. He hated it when she rejected him. He couldn't even fathom why she would reject him. He knew he was good looking, he knew she was good looking, so why not? He pouted playfully and that caused her to giggle. Her giggle was a light jingle that any God would swoon over, but he didn't budge - on purpose.

Zariah knew that Zayn was joking and turned her attention back to the Discus game that had just ended. The young Gods were all sweaty and Louis, the son of Hades had a triumphant smile on his face, meaning he won. That wasn't a surprise to her, he always won. She was always silently rooting for him.

She turned her attention back to Zayn again and just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, the school bell rang. They both quickly got up, Zayn walking to the other end of the campus and Zariah slowly making her way from the grass to inside the nearest hall. She spoke with a friend for a second and before she knew it, crashed into a muscular body, which caused her and the young man to drop their books. They both bent down.

"I'm so sorry." She said frantically. "I'm so clumsy." She looked up to see that she was staring into eyes resembling the color of the ocean. She had bumped into Louis. His jaw was clenched and he snatched his book from her hands before walking off to his designated class, leaving her to pick up her scattered school items alone

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