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"And I guess I thought I was doing okay again, but it turns out I'm not so good." - Anonymous

Zariah had never thought should would have to experience the feeling of betrayal. But she did nevertheless. She felt vulnerable, now, since what Zayn had done. He tried to manipulate her into thinking she actually loved him or even liked him. Zariah thought Zayn was a friend, she could never love him the way he wanted her to. Not even close.

Walking through the front door of The Palace that was home, she solemnly ignored her mother; Aphrodite's calls of concern for her daughter. Zariah felt bad for ignoring her mother, but she just wanted to be alone. She didn't want to talk to anyone. She didn't even find it in herself to change into something more freeing, she just plopped down on her large queen mattress still adorned in her dress and heels, although her mask was taken off.

"Why, Zayn?" Zariah wondered out loud. She couldn't even remember what had exactly happened. But she did know that Zayn used his power on her due to her slight dizziness and the feel of uncomfortableness. The knock on her door interrupted her somewhat sentimental moment. She sat up carefully. She cleared her throat. "Yes. Come in." The knob turned and her mother was in view looking breath-taking.

Aphrodite stood with a concerning look for her as she stood in the door way. "May I accompany you?" She asked softly. Zariah smiled softly in appreciation and nodded. Aphrodite walked in and closed the door. With a few swift motions she was by her daughters side, an arm over her shoulder. "What happened, dear?"

"Nothing." Zariah said quickly. She mentally face palmed. She couldn't tell her mother that Zayn was not the one. He just couldn't be. Zariah would rather pick millions upon millions of roses with thorns pricking her flawless skin before she'd be with Zayn. It sounded brutal but it was the truth. It added more meanness towards Zayn. Zariah doesn't think she could actually hate someone. Hate is so strong. Yet she feels like it fits the problem, but yet ignores herself.

"It's okay, you can tell me anything, you know." Aphrodite said and meant it. Zariah nodded. How could she possibly tell her mother that she simply cannot follow the plans of being with Zayn? She guesses its going to have to come out sooner or later. Her mother waited patiently.

Zariah blew out a little air and took a deep breath. "Mother, I-" she stopped herself and felt the sudden urge to cry. But she didn't. She didn't want to be seen weak in front of someone so strong. She wanted to be like her mother, beautiful, strong, smart.

"Go on, it's okay." Her mother encouraged softly, running small circles onto her shoulder. Zariah nodded again softly, straightening her position before continuing.

"I know that you want what is best for me. You and Father." She slowly and shakily began. "But I cannot be with Zayn." Aphrodite seemed taken aback by her daughters words.

"Why is that?"

"Mother he used his power on me. He tried to make me fall head over heels for him!" Zariah spoke standing up. Her heels clicked softly as she paced.

"Why don't you give him a chance, Zariah?" Aphrodite seemed calm, but on the inside she was confused.

"Mother, he is as ugly as his personality. His looks are deceiving, I mean, he's the son of Narcissus. What would happen if I get with Zayn and he then falls in love with his own self through a mirror? What then?" Zariah was so...angry. She hardly ever felt this emotion. It was weird.

Aphrodite sighed and stood up. "Zariah, Hephaestus and I - we all - need to discuss this. Just not now. Some other time." She hugged her daughter but Zariah did not hug back. She had her arms crossed over her chest and her hip slightly cocked out. A frown was etched on her beautiful features. Her mother left and Zariah wanted to do nothing but scream bloody murder. But then the soft flapping of wings made the frown turn upside down. Her owl Iris appears and flies over to Zariah. A small screech leaves its beak and Zariah smiles.

As she lightly pets her messenger, she starts to wonder who she had bumped into after the rather shocking encounter with Zayn. He just side stepped her and walked away with no mercy or even an ounce of empathy. Not that she wanted it, anyway.


In the Underworld there is a mansion, with darkness swarming the outside. The horrifying shadows of souls trying to claw, scratch, scream their way out. Louis rolls his eyes as he looks out his window. "Shut the hell up!" He seethed. It did not do any justice the screams only got louder. He was already changed out of his suit and was adorned in black gym shorts and a black muscle shirt.

He turned around and walked to the kitchen looking through the huge refrigerator. He seemed to find nothing appetizing. He went to walk back to his apartment-like bedroom until his father came into view. "How was the Unite Ball, son?"

"Shit." He grumbled. "Why did I have to go, anyway? You didn't."

"I don't have to do anything I do not wish to do. You had to go because I did not want your mother going on her own."

"Fine, whatever." Louis said, walking away not wanted to even glance at a familiar face. Everything that happened tonight seemed stupid. Him being dragged there. Him reading some shit sentences in some shit book. The running into her again. Everywhere he goes shes always bumping into him unexpectedly and it was infuriating. Like, could she just not.

Whenever they ran into each other she was either dropping something or crying. It was honestly annoying. She lives in a huge ass palace, she has anything she wants and even the Gods, and yet he could even hear her weep miles away.

Three sounds of barks emerge from outside his door and Louis hastily gets up and opens it. Right when he does he's playfully knocked to the ground with a thump. Three tongues are sweeping his face clean and Louis tries to breathe. He lets out a laugh and tries to get up but the Cerberus just knocks him down again. "What's up boys?" Louis smiles patting each of the dogs head.

He finally gets up properly and reaches up on his dresser where there was a massive bone for his pet. He grabbed it and showed it to it and the monstrous dog cocked it's head to the left, right, right. "Ah, paying attention now, I see." He smiles waving the bone around teasingly. The dog follows it's every move and sits down automatically.

"Speak." Louis commands and the three heads start barking demandingly. "Good boy. Here." He throws up the bone and with one swift motion the dog leaps into the air and fetches it. "Be nice, and share." Louis sighs as the dog start chomping down on it.

He lunges into bed and the shadows of lost souls start to emerge. He was used to it, you know. The screams, pleads, nightmares. He was also used to being alone. He didn't mind it though. He liked it. He could say whatever the hell he wanted when he wanted. He could do anything. The Underworld was his world. He may not be the ruler, but he sure as hell could be if he wanted.

He bellowed as soon as she entered his mind. "Why?" He asked confused. "Get out of my fucking head." He demanded but it only seemed to triple the images of her smile, frown, teary eyed, sad smile. He didn't know why she would invade his mind when he was alone.

He didn't know what to think anymore. This whole night sky rocketed through the damn roof. Now what? Now he'd lay there and let the screams of help lullaby him to sleep. But sleep never really came that easily. It was hard for him to stay asleep for as long as he desired.

But like always, shit fucking happens.

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