April 15th,1912

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[April 15th,1912  early morning]

The two headed up to top deck quickly,Patton saw almost everyone on the top deck. Logan looked panicked "Stay here. Don't move,I'll bd right back" Logan said,going over to a crew memeber as Patton stood their confused.

"Uhm,Excuse me Sir, what's happening?" Patton asked a middle aged man "Did you not hear? The Ship hit an iceberg" the man explained,Pattons eyes went wide "but there's no damaged right? It IS the unsinkable ship"
"No, there's a leak in the bottom of the ship, that's why they're deploying people into the lifeboats " The man left as Logan came back "Logie whats wrong?" Patton asked, Logan covered his mouth "Women and Children only." He muttered, he finally realised what that bad feeling was..it was a warning.

"I bed your pardon?" Patton asked, Logan then stared at Patton "They're only letting Women and Children on the life boats.." he explained, shaking a little as Patton gasp."Logan...i'm sure it's just women and children FIRST,we'll be allowed on soon." He explained,Logan nodded and smiled, he was scared..and if he wasn't able to make it off alive, Patton would..he'd make sure of it.


Logan panicked as they let first class passengers on the lifeboats, Patton and Logan lined up and once they arrived at the lifeboat,what they didn't know it..that was the last one, and there was only one space left for one of them.

"Patton, go inside the lifeboat.." Logan said, making Patton shake his head "What!? I'm not leaving without my friend!" He exclaimed."Just go, i'll get off the next lifeboat" Logan said,Patton looked back to the lifeboat and nodded "Ok..I trust you Lo.." he said as the crew and others helped him onto the lifeboat.

Logan stepped back and away from the rails as the final lifeboat was deployed slowly. That was only when Patton noticed, there was no more life boats.. Logan wasn't going to get on the next lifeboat.

Patton stood up and jumped back onto the boat, Making people scream and jump in shock as Patton was helped back onto the ship. Once he was, he began looking around, where was Logan!? He then found Logan, by the edge of the ship, looking off into the sea.

Patton walked over to him "Hey.." he said as Logan smiled "Hello...wait. what are you doing here!? You're meant to be on the lifeboat!" He exclaimed,Patton smiled "I jumped back onto the boat" he said, hugging Logan "And you lied to me..but let's ignore that.."

"But Patton we have to--" Logan then huffed "Stay here" he said, running downstairs to the lower decks, seeing the water flow and quickly taking two chairs upstairs.

And throwing them over the deck. "Logan what are you doing!?" Patton asked,Logan huffed "people need something to float on don't they?" He said, Patton nodded and grabbed some chairs, throwing them overboard.

Logan ran downstairs and grabbed a door(Don't ask how),running back upstairs and heading over to Patton, handing him the door "we can use that to jump off the boat..unless you have a better idea" Logan explained.

That was when Patton noticed Roman..'Roman's still on the boat?' He thought, then noticed Roman cradling someone in his arms, oh..that's Virgil, Patton remembered him.

Logan looked at Patton "Patton! What are you looking at?" Logan said as Patton turned to him "We should give someone this door..give them a chance to live.." Patton said, walking over to Roman and smiling sweetly as if they couldn't die at any time.

"Oh,Hello Patton..Can i help you?" He asked,smiling weakly. Patton nodded,he then held out the door "use this as a float..get off this foresaken heck" he said, Roman smiled and nodded "Thank you.." he said, he helped Virgil stand up, to panicked to notice anyone or anything.

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