The Bro Code

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By the time February half term was upon us, I'd successfully mastered the juggling act of the show, my sports commitments, my job at the Quayside and the combination of coursework and revision for my final year of GCSE's. I was so busy outside of school, that it would be easy to forget that I was still only 16 and that I still actually had to get my qualifications to be able to go on and do something special with my life. That something special, at this point, I did not know, so I figured the best thing to do would be to just do well in everything and keep my options wide open.

My whole life, I'd been dead certain I was going to become a sports star on the track, or world-renowned for playing either football or rugby, but I guess living where I do, in the middle of nowhere, the opportunities just weren't there for me and it would be more likely that I'd make a career as a P.E teacher like Mr. Matthews or a personal trainer. Don't get me wrong, both of those are great options, but were they Bailey enough?

Just recently a few spanners had been thrown in the works, which made me think that maybe they weren't. I can only explain it as the same feeling you get, when you open the curtains first thing in the morning to let the sunlight in, only Malek, Devon and the show were the sunlight and I was the person standing naked in the window, with Mrs. Fisher pointing up at him.

Since working with Malek at the Quayside and sitting next to him in music class, as well as being part of the same sports teams practising 3 nights a week after school, we were spending nearly every day together and I can honestly say I was loving life. Maybe the fact I knew there were only months left of school, made me soak up the moments more. Maybe it was the fact I was falling for him.

He invited me over to his house on Valentine's Day evening, to do some music revision and stay over and like a complete douche bag, I said 'that would be banging', without even giving Polly a second thought.

There were two reasons for this:

1. I didn't even realise it was Valentine's day


b. I was too excited about being asked and didn't think Polly would care.

I text Polly casually letting her know my plans and five seconds late my phone screen flashed up her response, 'OK x', which she sent before turning her bedside lamp off and crying herself to sleep. I didn't find that part out until years later, so in my mind I thought I had her blessing and packed my overnight bag ready for the following night. So many thoughts and feelings were running through my mind, but one burning question kept coming back to me...

What pyjamas do you wear to a lads sleepover?

I was 16 for god sake but had never had a sleepover before. So what was the deal? I had no idea and at this point I was already sleeping in the nude. I was having waves of butterflies just thinking about this and eventually decided on this occasion, to take my oversized rugby t-shirt and some baggy shorts. They didn't stay on for long as it happened.

The next night came and there I was standing on Malek's doorstep ringing the doorbell. I could hear the dog barking in the background, which immediately made the hairs on my neck stand on end. This is another thing you should know about Bailey. A weird fact shall we say. I hate dogs and if it was big and slobbery, then that would be my actual worst nightmare. I was going to have to go home. I turned around and started marching up the driveway when a familiar voice called out,

'Bailey, you numpty! Where are you going?'

I turned round, immediately pulled back in to this terrifying situation by the handsomest of smiles.

'It took you long enough to open the door didn't it! You lazy sod! O hi Mrs. Malek.' I flushed crimson.

'It's OK Bailey, you can call me Lisa and this is Rosie.'

I jumped 2 feet in the air, shrieking, as the barking dog sprung from behind the door, catching me completely off guard and revealing itself to be a tiny chihuahua.

'I..I..thought it was an English mastiff or something..'

We all looked at each other before bursting into rapturous laughter that echoed round the hallways of their beautiful home.

We had a lovely dinner. My favourite. You guessed it..... Pizza! and before long we were heading up to the place where all the magic happens. Malek's bedroom.

As part of our music GSCE, we had to study historical context, which basically means old composer dudes and it was the driest of dry subjects that anyone who has ever taken the exam will tell you. Everyone hates it. On Valentine's Day 2003 though, it was fun and dare I say it, even romantic. I really did learn a lot that night. No, not about the composer dudes, they went right out the window. I learnt about myself, Malek and the real meaning of the bro code.

As the night came to an end, we put our books away and got ready for bed.

Me in the bathroom, (Malek was lucky enough to have an en-suite in his room) and Malek in the bedroom. I brushed my teeth, did a quick wee and put my oversized pyjamas on. Mrs Malek had made me a nice bed on the floor, so I came out the bathroom and got snuggled under the duvet, with a big smile on my face ready to fall asleep. The light went off and I lay there looking out of the window and up at the stars.

A voice soon came out of the dark.

'Bailey, you don't have to sleep on the floor you know.'

My mouth went dry.

'There's plenty of room in my bed. It is a super king-size and I feel bad about you being down there.'

'OK...are you sure?'

I didn't want to turn him down, but didn't want to seem to keen either. That would be weird, right?

'Of course I'm sure. Get up here, Bailey boy!'

I stood up, walked over to the bed and lifted up the huge but soft cover to get in.

'Malek! You're naked.' I yelped!

'Shhhhh! You'll wake my parents up!' I could see that lovable twinkle spreading across his eyes.

'and get over yourself! You've seen it all before! Get your kit off and get in here now! You're letting all the heat out! It can be our little secret.'

You didn't have to ask me twice.

I was stripped off and in that bed quicker than the speed of light and as my head began getting heavy from the tiredness settling in, his hands were grabbing my waist and pulling me in closer, so he could wrap his arms completely around me.

That's how we fell asleep and it was the best night's sleep I'd had in a long time.

God help me.

Dear Marilyn (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now