Along Came Polly

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Polly was and always will be the first and only girl that really stole my heart and I let her see a side to me that no other girl had ever seen before and never would again. You know what I'm talking about. The realest, deepest, darkest parts, that would scare most normal people away and yet she, with no effort at all, loved them all. 

I didn't have to be on my guard, or pretend to be anyone else when I was with Polly. I could just be me, in all my teenage glory.

She came into my life via Nat, who we'd both been separately friends with for many years and for whatever strange reason, our paths had never crossed and so we'd never really properly met. 

I say properly, because she actually used to stand in front of me and even ignore me, if ever she passed me and Nat walking down the street together and for years this was the way she was. 

Looking back now, I don't know why I put up with her doing that. I guess it just never really bothered me and I actually found it really sweet, cute and funny. I'd never known anyone like Polly before. She was a total odd ball and I absolutely loved it and till this day I still do. 

This strange way of interacting finally changed, when along with me and Beth, Nat and Polly  decided to join Scouts. Me and Beth had been going together for years anyway and had both been right through Cubs too. 

It was such a fun way to get out and about exploring with friends and we used to do all sorts of things like abseiling, canoeing and camping. It was an excuse to get dirty, go on some crazy adventures and most of all, to just be together.

We laughed all the time when the four of us were together and as time went on, we forged a friendship for life, that no matter what, would never be broken. 

I cherished these times and I loved these girls more than life itself. 

They made me feel strong and they made me feel fearless. We were powerful as a four and I guess it was only natural that the line would become blurred somewhere in our group. For us four, the line was between me and Polly.

As we got to know each other, we realised we got on really well and as a result we started spending more time alone together, where we just talked and talked about anything and everything. 

We took the piss out of each other constantly, me usually out of her for being posh, her very square shoulders and her funny way of life. Her, out of me, for god knows what now. There were numerous things it could of been, believe me and we relentlessly went back and forth. We did homework together, played swing ball in the garden with her little brother and went on the 31 x bus to the nearest town, so we could go shopping together. It didn't matter what we were doing or where we were doing it because no matter what, we were always laughing. Laughing day and night, being stupid, silly, hysterical, us. 

I don't remember when or where I fell for Polly. It just happened and when it did, I fell hard and fast. I also knew in that moment of time, that this would simultaneously be the best and the worst chapter of my life. 

For now though, the dark clouds disappeared and my love for her bloomed just as the flowers do in spring. Life couldn't get any better then this.

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