✩date night✩

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✩date night✩
|let me teach you a lesson master jungkook!|

Taehyung heard the car horn outside and opened the window, he waved at his best friend before closing it. He ran downstairs and found his mother in the living room.

"I'll be heading out now, mom." Taehyung smiled brightly, his boxy smile cuter than ever.

His mother turned around and let out a gasp, Taehyung titled his head in confusion, "Tae, you look gorgeous in red." His mother praised her son, "you should wear red more often, it makes you look gorgeous." his mother smiled fixing his hair.

"Thank you mom, I'll go now, please take some rest okay." Taehyung kissed her cheek, his mother nodded her head before waving him off.

"I am strong enough to manage the night by myself." She said and Taehyung laughed shaking his head, "Yes, but be careful." Taehyung said before making his way out.

"You're 0.7 seconds late." Jimin pretended to be angry while the other giggled, "Is that even a thing?" Taehyung asked while getting in the car, Jimin shrugged getting in too.

"That's my thing. anyways I'm excited! We're finally getting some time for ourselves and have fun!" Jimin was awfully cheerful tonight and Taehyung rubbed his neck awkwardly before nodding, "Yes, I guess."


The bright lights of the club hit Taehyungs face making him blink multiple times just to adjust them, he was amazed by how much people were here.

"Woah! There's so many people here." Taehyung looked around and smiled when Jimin wrapped his arm around his shoulder before guiding him to the other side, "Yes, this is going to be our night."

To say that Taehyung liked it here was not true, because he felt uncomfortable by the stares he was receiving, and all of them were twice his age. He wanted to run out of here and go back home.

"Taehyungie!", Taehyung looked to the side and saw Minho smiling brightly at him, for some reason he felt relieved but also blushed because Minho was looking amazingly hot tonight.

"Minho, hi." Taehyung looked down and the other smiled hugging him, "you made it, that's great." Minho let go of him, his smile never leaving his lips.

"I'll leave you two alone for now, have fun." Jimin winked at Taehyung before walking off despite the stares Taehyung gave him.

Taehyung smiled awkwardly before looking around the club, "I've never been to a club before, this is my first time.", Minho laughed before pulling him towards the bar.

"Give me a soft drink." He ordered and looked back at Taehyung, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Minho handed Taehyung the drink before both of them made their way towards where their friends were.

The two sat down on the couch and Jimin smiled, "Guys, this is Taehyung my best friend, please take care of him." Jimin introduced Taehyung and the other bowed his head in respect, "Nice to meet you all."

After everyone introduced themselves Taehyung was left alone into a deep conversation with Minho, surprisingly Minho was so fun to be around and as the minutes passed by he started feeling comfortable towards the older.

"Why don't we get some fresh air, it's too crowded here." Minho said and the other agreed to him, soon both of them were outside staring up at the stars.

"It's beautiful tonight." Taehyung smiled brightly, his eyes shining as the stars reflected in them. On other side Minho couldn't take his eyes off of the younger.

"You are beautiful, Taehyung." Minho smiled when the younger blinked in confusion, "ahhah t-thank you." Taehyung pushed his bangs behind his ear and shyly looked away.

But Minho had other plans, he couldn't handle it anymore and got closer to Taehyung, gently grabbing his chin forcing it up, "You really are beautiful Taehyung." Those words were genuine.

Minho bit his lips while staring into those caramel eyes that he had come to adore and couldn't help but lean in, wanting to seal their lips together, "Can I kiss you Taehyungie?" their lips were merely inches away from each other.

Taehyung was frozen, sure Minho was a nice guy but Taehyung still knew nothing about him, he knows way more about Jungkook than him, so he stopped Minho. "I understand..." Minho nodded his head understandably.

Taehyung felt relieved because Minho understood him, he took a step back, "I'll go see the others now," he walked inside the club wanting to escape the awkward situation.

When he got inside he didn't see anyone at their table and sat down sighing, he looked at the drinks on their table and couldn't remember which was his.

He decided to take the one in front of him and drank it, "Delicious..." he licked his lips loving the taste, he had no idea that he just drank alcohol.

And this being his first time he had no idea what his alcohol tolerance was, so he decided to take another drink.

"Minho, where is Taehyung?" Jimin asked his cousin and the other shrugged not knowing, "He said he was heading inside — isn't he with you?" Minho asked and the other shook his head.

Both of them ran inside looking for the younger, "can you see him?" Jimin asked and the older nodded his head pointing at the boy who laid down on the couch hugging an empty bottle.

Jimin sighed in relief and walked towards the sleeping boy, "I think he drank our drinks." One of the friends said and Jimin groaned,
"We need to take him home." Jimin pulled the bottle away from him and tried waking Taehyung up.

"Nuuuu~" the drunk boy shook his head furiously trying to lay back down on the couch but Jimin pulled him up. "Minho, can you please send him home, I have some things to take care of here." Jimin requested and Minho nodded.

"Sure, give me his address..." Minho held Taehyung with his arm wrapped around his waist, "yes let me write it down—"

"Take me to Mr.Rude boy." Taehyung smiled brightly at the two, Jimin titled his head in confusion, "Who now?"

"Jungkook! I want to teach him." Taehyung giggled, "Taehyung it's almost midnight. how can you teach him when he could be asleep." Jimin snapped and Taehyung glared at him.

"I want to go to him, now!" Taehyung pushed Minho away and headed out of the club while stumbling around on people.

"Just take him home." Jimin said and Minho nodded rubbing after Taehyung, "oh shit the address!" Jimin facepalmed himself in annoyance.

He ran out too and found Minho standing there alone, "where's Taehyung?", Minho gulped looking at him, "He left..." Jimin's mouth hanged open in shock. "He what!!!"

"Take me to Jeon residence." Taehyung smiled at the taxi driver, "Yes sir."

Soon the taxi stopped and Taehyung got out not forgetting to tip the older man, "bye mister." He waved at him and turned around.

"Now, let's teach Master Jungkook a lesson he will never forget." Taehyung grinned evilly.


what kind of lesson do you plan to teach him Taehyung 😏

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