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|i am not going to date him!|

Taehyung was more than sure that Jungkook threw his food away. It saddened him knowing that he worked hard on it and was trying to win Jungkooks trust.

He arrived home and saw his mother preparing dinner, he smiled walking towards her and kissed her cheek, "Tae, you scared me!" she scolded her son, but shook her head smiling when Taehyung took a bite of the food she had made.

"That's for dinner, don't touch it!" His mom continued to scold him, which made Taehyung giggle and swallow the food. "My mom is the best!" Taehyung smiled.

His face was down which made his mother frown, "Help me set the dinner, okay dear." Taehyung nodded taking the plates, helping his mother.

Soon both of them sat down eating together, it was quieter than usual which of course his mother got even more worried, so she decided to ask, "So, did he like the food?", Taehyungs eyes widen and some food got stuck on his throat causing for him to cough.

His mother offered him and glass of water and sighed, Taehyung drank it and looked at his mother after, "be careful.", Taehyung nodded, "I'm fine don't worry..." than it got quieter again.

"I don't know... he was rude like always and I ran out of there. I left the lunch box there because I knew he would tell me to take it back, so I ran...." Taehyung whispered and his mother smiled.

"You did a good job dear, if he didn't eat it than it's his loss." She smiled brightly and filled Taehyungs plate with food again. "Mom that's too much, I'll turn into a pig if I eat more." Taehyung giggled which his mother returned with a smile.

"It suits you. Chubby cheeks and that mullet you've been growing, suits you... I mean who can resist you, I would squish your cheeks." His mother started teasing him, Taehyung blushed hard.

"Your husband is going to be lucky." She said and Taehyung glared at her, "I don't want to have to do anything with the likes of him, he is too rude." Taehyung stopped after realizing what he just said.

"I never mentioned your boss, but if you like him than go on, win his heart." Mrs.Kim laughed causing for Taehyung to blush, "I don't know mom..." Taehyung looked down sadly.

His mother sat closer to him and cupped his cheeks, "Honey listen, you are an amazing boy, a kind heart and handsome, you can make anyone fall for you. And if Jungkook doesn't see what a kind heart you have than he is not the one for you." She sighed.

"But I encourage you to help this boy. I think his rough past has turned him into what he is today, try showing him the best of you, change him." Mrs.Kim smiled and Taehyung sighed before standing up.

"I have to wash the dishes now." Taehyung said and his mother sighed. Taehyung didn't want to continue the conversation because he knew that things between him and Jungkook will never work out.

Suddenly Taehyungs phone started ringing and Taehyung took it, it was Jimin calling him, "I have to take this." Taehyung said and his mother nodded.

He walked outside of his home and answered the phone, "Hello to you too." Taehyung held the phone away from his ear when he heard Jimin scream on the other line, "Okay, no excuses. Tomorrow you are coming to a party!" Jimin said.

Taehyung sighed, since he wasn't a party person he wanted to reject, "Jimin, you know I don't do parties and I have to work—" Jimin cut him off, "Taehyung, I said you are coming. You need to have fun while you still can, tell your boss that you want to take the day off!"

Taehyung was uncertain of this, "Please Tae, I really want you to come and I have someone who's been wanting to see you." Jimins voice made Taehyung frown, "Who exactly?"

"You'll see tomorrow, night. We'll meet up tomorrow!" Jimin ended the call.

Taehyung sighed getting back inside, "Who was it?" His mother asked, "It was Jimin, he wants me to go to a party with him tomorrow, but I don't know if I should go—"

"Nonsense, you are going there. You are so busy these days and you deserve to have some fun too, you are still 17!" His mother smiled, Taehyung hugged her, "Thank you, mom."

Taehyung ran upstairs and took his phone out, he called Namjoon's number, "Hello, hyung. I know it's late but I wanted to tell you that I won't be able to come to work tomorrow.." Taehyung smiled, "why is that? Are you sick?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung shook his head.

"My friends invited me to a party, I want to spend some time with them, I hope Jungkook will be okay with it..." Taehyung mumbled and Namjoon laughed, "Don't worry I'll take care of him, have fun."

"Thank you, goodnight hyung." Taehyung ended the call after. He fell in bed and sighed, he was happy to be able to take some time off and spend it with his friends.


"Who were you talking to?" Jungkook asked the older full of curiosity, Namjoon looked at him and got an idea, he smirked before walking towards the younger and setting the tea on the table in front of him.

"Taehyung," He responded and Jungkooks breath hitched, "What did he say?" He asked and the older smirked. "He can't come to work tomorrow." Namjoon loved the reaction the younger was showing him.

"What? Why? What's wrong with him?" Jungkook asked, his voice leaked curiosity and  somehow worry, "No, he said that he is going on a date with this guy...." Namjoon watched as Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.


"Oh, you've never been on a date before, have you... maybe you should ask Taehyung on a date and he can show you how a date works." Namjoon smiled wickedly.

"No! Why would I go on a date with him." Jungkook sighed in anger, thinking of Taehyung and a guy on a date pissed him off.

"Well, you have to experience things, you can't stay locked inside your library forever.." Namjoon said and Jungkook had nothing to say.

He was a lonely boy in people's eyes and it was true, but he wasn't too lonely when Taehyung is around.

It was nice to have him around even though he hated the younger, at least there was someone close to his age to talk to, or relate to.

"I don't like him! And I will not date him! Ever!" Jungkook said through his gritted teeth making Namjoon hold his laugh.

"Time will tell us, master Jungkook."


jungkook's making things harder, cheer up
will ya!

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