Chapter 31

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Jughead POV

Everyone started trying to find their friends and family and it was crowded. I found betty and saw her start to get anxious.

I made my way over to her and grabbed her arm so she would turn around. But, then she slapped me.

Betty POV

"Ow!" Jughead said.

"Oh my god, Jug I'm so sorry." I said giving him a hug. "I didn't know it was you and then I freaked out. I'm sorry"
"I guess you'll have to make it up to me" he said wrapping his hands around my waist.
"How will I do that?" I asked smirking.
"Just. Like. This" he said as he kissed me.

"Yo! Love birds, we found our families. Let's go" fangs said and jug and I laughed. We followed him and saw my mom, FP, Fred, Hiram, Hermione, Hogeye (Fangs dad in this), Tom, and Penelope (let's pretend shes good in this story). Tonis parents weren't here since they left when she was little. She's lived with Fangs and his dad ever since and Hogeye treats her as his daughter, it's actually really sweet.

"Congratulations honey" my mom said as she hugged me. "Your dad would be very proud of you and  the speech you gave." She said and I teared up. My dad died when I was 7. He was on his way home from work one day when he got into a car accident and doctors said he died on impact.

"Thank you, mom" I said kissing her cheek.

"Wow, Betty. That speech was incredible." Fp said as he hugged me.

"Thank you, Mr. Jones. I had the best writer in town helping me." I said and then kissed Jugs cheek. All the adults went back to talking when Jughead turned to me.

"Jughead Jones, a cold hearted gang leader turns into the biggest softie for certain people." He said as he put his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"It's true" I said giggling.

"When did you write those extra parts?" He asked.

"Last week. I wanted some part of the speech to be a surprise to you."

"Well, I loved it." He said and kissed me passionately.

"Are you guys excited to join the serpents tonight?" Jug asked Cheryl, V, Kev, and Archie while hugging me from behind.

"Yes! I've been wanting to do this for, forever and I can't wait!" Veronica said excitedly.

"Well, we better get going. Are you guys coming to the Wyrm?" I asked the parents.

"Nope. We don't really want to see our teenagers drunk so FP is going to be the only one there." My mom said and we all nodded.

"Oh! Also mom, I'm staying at Jugs so don't wait up for me!" I said as we walked away. Jug and I hand in hand.

We stopped at my house and put all of our caps and gowns in my room and then we went to Pops and sat in our signature booth in the back.

"Who's sitting next to who?" Toni asked.

"Doesn't matter to me" Archie said and we all agreed.

We ended up sitting Archie,Veronica, Kevin, Fangs, Toni, Cheryl, me, then Jug. (The booth is an arch shape.)

"Hi kids, congrats on graduating! Your usuals?" Pop asked and we all said yes.

"I can't believe we just graduated. It's insane." Fangs said.

"We should go around and share where we'll be and what we're doing because I feel like we've all changed our minds." Toni said and we all agreed. We decided to just go in order starting with Archie and ending with Jug.

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