Chapter 13

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Betty POV

Jughead was supposed to be here in five minutes and I was so nervous. What if he left me because of this? What if he gets mad at me for not telling him? What if he believes Sweet Pea and not me? My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey" I said smiling softly at him and giving him a peck on the lips.
"Hey. Everything okay?" He asked me confused.
"I need to tell you something" I said nervously as we walked into the living room.
I sat down and my knee started bouncing since I was anxious.
"Betty." Toni said getting my attention and holding my hand. "It's okay. It's only Jug and I. Just breathe." She said. I nodded and took a deep breathe and my leg stopped bouncing.

"I have to tell you some thing but please don't be mad at me." I said looking at him with tears in my eyes.

Then I explained everything that had happened to me.

Jughead POV

I could not believe what I just heard. My best friend since birth raped my girlfriend. How could he think this was okay?! And how could he act so normal around everyone?!

"Baby, I'm so sorry you've been going through this alone. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked consoling her.
"I felt so dirty. I thought you wouldn't want me anymore." She said crying harder. She actually thought that I would think less of her because of something that she couldn't control.
"Betty look at me. This was not your fault and this does not make me love you any less. If anything it makes me realize just how strong you are." She gave me a sad smile.
"Betty. Tell him about what Sweet Pea said to you." Toni said to betty. She looked down then back up at me.
"H-he told me I couldn't tell you and if I did he would tell you that I seduced him. Then he said who would you believe your best friend since birth or some s-slut you met 2 years ago. And I didn't want to ruin your friendship. " she said sobbing again.

This poor girl doesn't deserve this. She's never done anything wrong. Does she really think I would think she was lying about something this serious? Does she think she ruined our friendship?

"Betty, I would never think you're lying about something this serious. And our friendship was ruined the minute he though raping girls was okay." Then I kissed her head. "Is this why I haven't been able to touch you and why you quit everything and never hang out with us anymore?" I asked her.
"Yes." She said looking down. "I knew you wouldn't do anything to me but I was so anxious about it, I still am. But, I feel better now that you know. And I quit everything because it was overwhelming. I had already planned on quitting the vixens but I didn't know how I was supposed to tutor him anymore. I cant even say his name and now everyone hates me."she said sobbing again.
"No one hates you. We were just concerned and worried about you. We didn't know if you were okay. Is this why you didn't want to joint the serpents anymore?" She nodded.
"They Wyrm was always my safe place but now I just think about what happened there and I'm not ready to go back." She said wiping her tears away.
"That is understandable. And you don't have to go back until you're ready. Okay?" She nodded. "And the minute you're ready we'll go make you a serpent" she giggled. I hadn't heard that giggle in so long, I almost thought I'd never hear it again.

Toni ended up leaving and we went to Bettys room. We were laying there talking when she cuddled up to me and feel asleep. I was not expecting that. I hadn't been able to touch her without her freaking out in over a month. I'm glad she finally told someone. But Sweet Pea isn't going to know what hit him.

Betty POV

I was laying with Jug and then I thought to myself. I know Jug will never hurt me. It's not his fault Sweet Pea attacked me. So I cuddled into him and fell asleep.

When I woke up Sunday morning, I smiled so big realizing it was the first night since the assault that I hadn't had a nightmare.
"Juggie. Juggie wake up!" I told him.
"What?" He said.
"Guess what?" I said with a smile on my face he made a face that said 'what?'
"Last night was the first time since the assault that I didn't have a nightmare. And it's all thanks to you." I said. Then we kissed for a few minutes before texting everyone, except Sweet Pea to come over. I was finally going to tell all of them.
"Hey Betts?" Jug asked me while we were getting ready.
"Do you think you should go see your therapist about this?" He said. I knew he was right. I knew I was going to have to. I couldn't just move on and pretend like I was okay.
"I think I'm going to. I've been thinking about it but I was too scared to talk about it. But you and Toni helped. You didn't pity me and make me feel less, you helped me feel strong when I was at my weakest point. I'm going to go call and make an appointment. Be right back" I said as I left the room.

"Hi. I would like to make an appointment for Elizabeth Cooper with Dr. Sullivan. Okay. See you then, thanks."
I walked back into the room.

"I have an appointment with her on Monday at 3:00, right after school"
"I'm proud of you." He said pecking my lips. Then we went downstairs to join all of our friends.

"Hey guys." I said shyly coming downstairs.
"Hey" ""sup" "hi!" They all said at once.
"So B, why did you want us all here?" Veronica asked.
"Um" I said looking at Jughead, he nodded in encouragement. "I have to tell you guys something but you can't treat me any differently after you find out. Okay?" They all nodded and I sat down next to Jughead.

Then I explained what happened for the fourth time in two days. It was just as hard telling it this time as it was the first.

"Omg B I'm so sorry" Kevin said sympathetically.
"It's fine guys. It's nothing you have to be sorry for." I said wiping my tears away.
"Betty we should have been there for you. I'm sorry you were alone." Cheryl said and I sadly smiled to her.
"It's okay and I'm coping with it now. Because now I have all of you and I'm starting to see my therapist again, and I think that will really help." They all nodded.
"I hate to ask this so soon but um....what are we doing about Sweet Pea." Archie asked. I tensed up hearing his name but Jughead comforted me.
"Betty. It's up to you" they all looked at me.

What the hell was I going to do? I had a few options.
Option 1- have the serpents beat him up and tell him to never return or it will be much worse next time.
Option 2- go to sheriff Keller and tell him what happened and put Sweet Pea in jail for a few years to pay for what he did.
Option 3- kick him out of the friend group but don't do anything else.

I knew I had to make a decision but I didn't know what to do. I sat there thinking while they all looked at me

A/N: hey guys! Just wanted to mention a few things- therapy is nothing to be ashamed of! We all need help and sometimes we need a professional. Second thing is, you will see more cute bughead in future chapters but right now it's more focused on Betty and how she is now coping with her trauma after telling her mom and friends. I hope you are all enjoying the story! Make sure to comment! :)

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