Chapter 11

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Betty POV

I went to Pops with Toni and we talked but I wouldn't tell her what's wrong. Everyone kept asking me but I wouldn't tell them. I couldn't tell them.

A month had now gone by and I still wasn't the same. I rarely smiled. I cried whenever I was alone, which was all the time. I pushed everyone I loved away. I wouldn't tell my mom, Jug, or any of my other friends. I had flashbacks and nightmares every night. Jughead started to get annoyed I wasn't telling him anything and I was scared he was going to break up with me. I couldn't blame him. I was being an awful girlfriend. I never let him touch me anymore, even if it was just cuddling. I never went on dates with him. I barely talked to him. This event was now defining my life and I hated it. The worst part was he didn't even show any remorse. He acted like nothing even happened.

I woke up today and realized it was Saturday which meant we were supposed to meet at Pops at 12. I still wasn't sure if I wanted to go. Yea, I wanted to see my friends. But I didn't want to see him. I decided to just go but I wasn't going to talk a lot. I texted Jug and he said he'd pick me up. I wore my black leggings, with my oversized light pink crew neck, with my white vans and hair in a messy bun. I wasn't in the mood to put it in a ponytail.

When we arrived at Pops I sat between Jughead and Toni and felt less anxious. Then Sweet Pea walked in and I tensed up but relaxed when Jug put his arm around me. We all ordered our usuals and then started talking.
"So B, are you serious about giving up cheerleading, writing, and tutoring?" Kevin asked me while they all looked at me.
"Um cheerleading definitely. It's too much and you girls are more than capable of handling it. Writing i think I'm gonna stick with. I enjoy it too much, and I'll have more time to do it now. As for tutoring, I'm not doing that anymore." They all nodded. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.
"Way to bail on me. You said you would help me pass, now you're just leaving me to fail" he said rudely.
"I-I'm sorry. I j-just don't have time anymore." I said shyly. Everyone starting to look concerned.
"Yea, sure. Whatever." He said rolling his eyes. A single tear fell on my cheek.
"Um I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back" I said getting up.

When I was in there wiping my tears away Toni walked in.
"Betty, what's wrong?"
"Everything" I cried.
"Do you want me to tell Pop to put our orders to-go and is two can go to your house and talk?" She asked me and I nodded with a soft smile.
"Hey Pop. Can me and Bettys orders be to-go?" Toni asked.
"Of course! Here you go" he said giving us out food and milkshakes.
"Hey. Betty and I are going to go back to her house. I'll text you guys later." Toni said. They all nodded looking concerned. All except him.

Time skip to Bettys house.

"Hey B. I have a headache, do you have an medicine?" Toni asked.
"Yea. There should be some ibuprofen in the bathroom cabinet." She smiled and went to get some. Moments later she came back with my morning after pills.
"Betty." She said causing me to look up. "Why do you have these?" I didn't say anything. "Is this why you won't talk to anyone? Because you had a pregnancy scare?" I shook my head.
"No. No! Of course not. Jughead and I were always careful." I said starting to tear up.
"Then why do you have these?" She asked confused. "Did you cheat on Jughead and not use protection?" She asked, pushing for answers.
"No! I would never." I said starting to cry.
"Then why the hell do you have these and why don't you hang out with us anymore? You're not the same as you used to be." She said concerned.
"Because....." I thought about telling her. "I can't tell you. He would turn everyone against me" I said crying.
"Betty I promise you. Whatever it is, we all would stand by you. You're the most honest and loyal person we all know." Toni said.
"I can't. And it wouldn't matter anyway. You all, already hate me. And I'm sure Jughead is going to break up with me the first chance he gets. It wouldn't change anything!" I said now sobbing. I wanted to tell her, I needed to.
"Elizabeth Cooper. That man loves you with all that he is. Just because you're going through a rough patch, doesn't mean he's going to break up with you. And we don't hate you. But we can't help you if you won't tell us what the problem is" she said pleadingly.

Okay. I'm going to tell her.

A/N: This chapter is shorter but it's important! Betty is definitely not the same as she used to be. But, I am kind of loving the Toni/Betty friendship. Make sure to comment!!

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