Chapter 14

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Betty POV

They were all still looking at me waiting for an answer. I didn't know what to do.
"U-um. I-I d-don't k-know. We should go to the cops but I'm scared." I confessed. I had gotten so used to crying I didn't even notice a tear falling down my cheek until Jughead wiped it away.
"Do you want to go to the police station right now?" Toni asked cautiously.
"I-I don't know" I said crying.
"We'll be there the whole time. We won't leave your side. I promise. " jughead said. I could tell he wasn't lying.
"O-okay. Let me go grab something"

I ran upstairs and grabbed my tan folder. After the incident I took pictures of all the bruises he left me with, in case I ever wanted to tell the cops.
"What's that?" Kevin asked curious.
"Evidence." I said and got into the car. The whole way there was silent seeing as no one knew what to say. They were all shocked and I was scared. What if the cops didn't believe me? What if they thought I was lying?
When we arrived at the police station I stated to get anxious and Jug noticed.
"Hey" he said getting my attention. "We can take a break or leave whenever you want. Okay?" I nodded and kissed him. We walked into the police station hand in hand.
"Hi. Um is Sheriff Keller here by chance?" Jug asked.
"I am." Sheriff said walking behind the counter. "What do you kids need?"
"I-um. Can we talk somewhere private?" I asked nervously.
"Sure. Right this way." He said as he led the way.

When we sat down my leg started shaking. I tried taking deep breaths but it wouldn't stop.
"So, Betty. What's up?"
"Um." I took a deep breath. "I was raped a month ago" I said now starting to cry. Sheriff Keller looked stunned, like he wasn't expecting it. Jughead started to console me.
"Okay. Let me go get a report and we can fill it out. I'll be right back." He said getting up and leaving the room.

"I-I have to tell the s-story a-again. I w-wish t-that day never h-happened." I said now sobbing.

Sheriff Keller walked back into the room. "I'm sorry, Jughead but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
"No. Please let him stay. I won't be able to get through it without him. Please sheriff" I said crying.
He sighed. "Okay. So tell me what happened."

I told the whole story from beginning to end while taking breaks to catch my breathe or calm down.

"Oh um also. I took pictures of all the bruises I got afterwards in case I ever decided to report it." I said nervously as I gave him the folder. He looked at the pictures. There were photos of my arms with black and blue handprints on them, handprints on my thighs and a cut on the back of my head from when he threw me to the ground.
"So what happens now?" Jughead asked.
"Well we do have evidence from Betty showing that injuries it caused, but there's no evidence showing Sweet Pea did it." We all sighed and Betty cried harder.
"So you don't believe me?! I knew I shouldn't have come here. I just sat here in pain telling the story and what? All you can say is well question him. He's going to lie! And then he's going to find me and do something worse! " I yelled crying even harder.
"I'm sorry Betty. I wish there was more I could do." Sheriff Keller sighed.
"What if there were security cameras of him going into the bathroom after Betty and then leaving? Would that be good enough evidence?" Jughead asked as he rubbed my back and consoled me.
"That would be good enough but-" sheriff Keller was interrupted by Jughead running out of the room.

Jughead POV

I ran out of the room as fast as I could.
"Toni, can you go sit with Betty and try to calm her down? I need to go grab something at the Wyrm. Also I need your bike." I said as fast as I could. She gave me her keys and went to go see Betty.

As soon as I got to the Wyrm I ran upstairs and went to the security footage. I grabbed the tape from that day and rode my bike as fast as I could back to the police station.

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