Trente Cinq

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London sat in Ferris' lap beside Kay's bed. He was still sleeping, apparently as a result of the painkillers. London didn't care why Kay was sleeping, just relieved that he was. Once they'd arrived at the hospital and he had been reassured that Kay was looking good, he'd finally allowed the ER staff to deal with him. London had known he was fine, though, so he gave no arguments as they ran a blood test and gave him a physical exam. He'd also gotten the chance to take a shower, which had been a relief. He'd been able to scrub Kay's blood off of his hands.

Besides, London wasn't stupid. There would be an investigation into all of this. Just because London had made the right decision, police would still have to conduct their own investigation. He had to cooperate and hope that they came to the same conclusion.

"They told me I'm dehydrated and hypoglycaemic," London had told an extremely worried Ferris when he'd met him at the hospital reception. "So, I'm fine, I need to stay with Kay, though," he'd added. So Ferris had joined him in waiting for Kay to wake up.

He had avoided telling Ferris much about what had happened, explaining that he'd rather not talk about it. Understandably, that had worried Ferris even more. London had tried to reassure him, but he wasn't convinced that it had come anywhere close to working. It didn't matter, though. Kay would inevitably have questions and Ferris could just listen.

He was still sitting with Ferris when Kay began to come to, immediately trying to sit up.

"No, no – it's okay, lie back down," London mumbled, immediately leaning forward and taking Kay's hand. "It's okay, you're fine, are you with me?"

Kay did as he was told, taking London's hand gratefully. "Where's Halden?" he responded, glancing around in panic. "He's not here, is he?"

"Halden? No. No, he's not here. He's not going to be a problem – he – uh –" How was London supposed to do this? There was no way he could word it gently. "It doesn't matter right now, but he didn't make it out. How are you feeling?"

"Rough, breathing hurts and I've got an awful headache," Kay answered as he tried to sit up again. This time, London didn't protest. Instead, he helped Kay get more comfortable.

"Do you remember much?"

Kay shook his head. "I mean... I remember that he let you leave, and then I don't know," he admitted. "Did you –" Kay coughed and glanced across to where he had just realised Ferris was. "What did you do?"

"It doesn't matter, Kay, at all. What matters is that you're safe, for good this time." London responded. "They said that you've broken several ribs, your wrist and they said you've got some internal bleeding."

"That – it doesn't sound good..." Kay glanced down at his left wrist which was in a cast. He hadn't even noticed.

"It's not great, but you'll be okay. There's not much they can do about the broken ribs, but everything else they've already started. They're a little worried about the bleeding. It's a kind of haemorrhagic pleural effusion but –"

"Some of us didn't go to med school," Ferris interrupted from behind him, "Care to explain for us?"

"I was getting there," London protested, smiling faintly at Ferris' response. "You were bleeding into the space around your lungs, but they've put in a drain and you're on antibiotics for it. Everything looks good."

"Why isn't a nurse telling me this?"

"Someone comes to check on you every half hour, so I'm sure you'll get to hear all of it again then," London mumbled, giving Kay's hand a squeeze as he nodded.

"I'm sorry that I dragged you into this," he mumbled. "I know you tell me not to be, but I'm sorry that this all happened. I shouldn't have dragged you into this."

"Quiet, Kay, you didn't drag me into anything. I'd do it all again if I had to," London responded.

"I bet Ferris blames me, though."

Ferris shook his head adamantly. "No, I don't blame you. I blame Halden because he did this to you. It's not your fault."

It made sense to Kay, but he couldn't quite bring himself to agree yet. If it weren't for him, London would never have had to go through this. Then again, if London had walked in even ten minutes later, it could have been avoided.

For hours, Kay asked questions – was London okay? Did he get hurt? How was Fido? He hadn't been taken to the shelter, had he? Was there anything he needed to do to repay Ferris for taking care of him?

London just sat with him, holding his hand tightly as he tried to help Ferris answer as many of Kay's questions as he could. Eventually, he got up and moved closer to the bed, kissing Kay's forehead lightly.

"It's almost lunchtime, are you hungry?" He asked quietly. "You deserve something nice after what you went through."

"What we went through," Kay corrected him.

"Yeah, what we went through," London agreed. "What do you fancy?"

"I don't mind, you should decide. I want whatever it is that you want."

In another scenario, London might have argued with Kay, but he seemed genuinely unconcerned with the choice.

"Okay, how about pizza? We can order it and one of us can pick it up from the entrance?" London suggested. "If you want?"

Kay nodded and London ruffled his hair lightheartedly.

Ferris offered to call for the pizzas, patting London on the shoulder before he left the room. Kay watched him absently before turning his tired attention back to London.

"Is Ferris really okay with you being with me?" Kay asked. "He – he doesn't seem bothered..."

"He doesn't mind," London reassured Kay. "He was okay with me being polyamorous when we met, and he's okay with it now. If you're worried, he won't mind you asking,"

"I'm not worried. I just – there's a lot going on and it's making my head spin," Kay admitted. "Once I get out of hospital, I'm sure things can go back to normal."

"They will. I promise that you're safe now. You can have the life you wanted now, without any interferences. Okay? It'll be better from now on."

"Okay," Kay mumbled in response. "I – uh – I really need to thank you for something, though..."


"Yeah..." Kay mumbled. "When I met you, you said that I deserved justice. You've given me that. Thank you."

Lost in London [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now