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Kay flinched harshly, bringing his hands to his head just in time to prevent a boot from hitting him in the face. He scrambled to his knees, already panicking. Not again. God, not again.

"Where the fuck is he, Kay? Hm?" The voice was only vaguely familiar, and the room was so dimly lit. "You can save yourself a hell of a lot of pain if you tell us where he is."

Kay shook his head violently, "No. Bullshit. I'm not telling you anything, if you're not smart enough to figure it out yourself, then I'm not helping," he snapped, only to be kicked once more in the stomach, forcing him to double over with a groan.

"Feet. Now."

Kay didn't obey, staying on the ground.

"You should rethink. Fucking entitled rich kid," the man snapped, bringing his foot back. Kay saw it this time and scrambled backwards, only just getting caught by his shoe. Still hurt like hell.

And that seemed to push the man over the edge. He lunged forward and grabbed Kay's wrist, forcing him up to his feet. And Kay was in no fit state to push back this time, too exhausted. Instead, he stumbled forward, following in the trail of the taller man. And then stairs. More panic.

"No – no, where are we going? Where the fuck are you taking me?" Kay finally attempted to pull his wrist away. He had no such luck. All it did was cause him to miss a step. And the man in charge of him clearly didn't care, continuing to drag Kay up the stairs, even after he had fallen. It was only once they got to the top that Kay had the chance to get back to his feet.

He was shoved forward and told to just 'shut up and walk', and that was what he did, only muttering something about the man being fucking incompetent under his breath. Then one more shove, and Kay lost his footing, ending up on the tiled kitchen floor. His head cracked against the refrigerator, and he blacked out.

It couldn't have been long before he woke, but it had been long enough. Kay blearily became aware that his right wrist was cuffed to the table leg, and the man was keeping hold of his left arm, seemingly inspecting it.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Kay mumbled, weakly trying to pull his arm away. "Don't touch me. Get off."

He was only laughed at, but the man obliged, standing up and turning his back on Kay. Glancing around, Kay tried to figure out an exit – if he could just get out of the cuffs...

He distantly realised that the man was using the stove, and was holding something that looked like a piece of wire in his right hand. Kay didn't have time to panic before he realised what it was. What he was doing.

"No – no, you don't have to do that. You – it won't get you anywhere," Kay was on the verge of truly begging, not that he would confess to that. "I don't know where Halden is! I don't – this won't give you anything."

The man seemed to ignore his pleas, kneeling down next to him and grabbing hold of Kay's left wrist once more.

And then searing pain.

Kay didn't want to look as the man pressed the wire into the sensitive skin on his arm. The pain was dizzying, and Kay had to grit his teeth not to make a noise. Not to let the man know how close he was to spitting out everything he knew.

The man got up and turned away, going back to the stove. Kay took his opportunity, breathing hard, to try and pull himself free of the cuffs – move the table. Anything. Before he knew it, there was another shot of pain. Worse than the first.

This time, Kay let himself gasp out a plea – saying that he really didn't know anything. Saying that he could stop, that this wasn't worth it. His response? The man was enjoying this.

It felt like it went on forever – the pain slowly pressing on from his elbow to his wrist. Eventually, Kay was so dizzy, he no longer needed to be held still. All he could do was try to keep breathing.

And then it was done. Somehow, he ended up back downstairs, back in the dark, curled on the floor. Kay smelt vomit – his? He was too delirious to know. Hot tears stained his cheeks and burned his eyes as he tried to hold them back.

Lost in London [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now